Dont make assumptions about medication purchased in SE Asia

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Cowtown Comedy
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Dont make assumptions about medication purchased in SE Asia

Post by Cowtown Comedy »

A little word of advice. I was travelling through Cambodia this past December, and experienced some severe insomnia, causing me to be completely exhausted during the day. I asked the front desk people at my hotel where a good pharmasist was and they directed me to the location. the pharmasist sold me some a well branded sleep aid in the form of tablets. The insomnia went away, and i returned to normal sleeping. I returned to Canada a couple months later, and had my luggage searched at canada customs. I still had the tablets in my shaving kit, and it was noticed my the customs agent. He flipped through a book, and identified the tablets as illicit, and I was immediately arrested iand handcuffed infornt of everyone. I've never been more scared in my life. I was put in a holding cell for over an hour. ( luckily they didnt decide to do a cavity search) Finally, after having having my life pass in front of my eyes, the agent came back, and said due to the small quantity, charges were not going to be pressed, and my record was again clean. My advice to you: Dont take any chances..get rid of the meds you buy in SE Asia.

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Post by lomuamart »

A number of years ago, a young Danish chap was diagnosed with dengue fever in HH. Although I don't think there's much the quack can do for you, he was prescribed some medicine.
A few weeks later he was still pretty ill and happened to be in BKK. Went to a hospital there. The dengue was confirmed and he showed them the pills - dog worming tablets!!
I've had a heavy cold recently and I always get a bit sceptical when I'm given lots of brightly coloured tablets. Sometimes they work, sometimes not. At least this time there has been some effect. I'm not sneezing so much and had some great hallucinations last night :shock:
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Post by Perente »

Lomu, dispensing many nice coloured tablets seems to be the norm. I had a cold just before Christmas, went to one of the better known clinics, was diagnosed as having bronchitis and given a handful of tablets. Started taking them as prescribed and after 2 days had severe shakes, heart palpitations, dizziness and a few other less attractive things happenning. Thinking I had been "under-diagnosed", and should be in intensive care I headed back to the clinic. Doctor listened carefully to my list of symptons, pulled one lot of pills from the load that I was carry-ing and gave me a cheerful "Side effect, ha, ha, ha". :roll:
Stopped taking all the medication, drank rum, and was better in 2 days. :D
Remain sceptical, drink plenty of fluids..... :cheers:
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