Discipline In Thai Schools

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Discipline In Thai Schools

Post by pharvey »

Whilst being back in God's Country, I have for some reason (The LHG) been subjected to numerous "Soap Operas" and "Reality TV", the latest being "Educating Cardiff" (and before you say it.....!!): -

In Wales, I remember the cane ("Six of the Best"), the slipper and the slap across the back of the head - all now outlawed.... but why?

When I was a kid, I was a naughty little git (nothing serious) but sh*t scared of my Father - even more so my Grandfather....... and to the extreme - my Mother!!

It seems in the schools now, pupils carry phones, swear at teachers, bully, smoke (GLC) and carry on as they want. Fcuk me, my Father would have kicked the cr@p out of me... let alone what my Grandfather or Mother would have done!!

So..... How are the kids in Thailand? Upbringing or Schooling, or both? Thais or Expats different?

:cheers: :cheers:
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Re: Discipline In Thai Schools

Post by Takiap »

As a kid, most slaps came from my Mom since she was the one staying at home to look after us. I can't really recall my Dad ever hitting me, but even at a very young ages my instinct told be it would be best for me not to test him. Just a stare from him was enough to ensure all my veggies got eaten. :D

In school, caning only started at around 10 years of age and was of course reserved for boys only. That said, caning was not an everyday occurrence until high school. I guess it simply wasn't needed because kids generally behaved themselves and respected their teachers and etc.

In high school (boarding school) things changed dramatically, and during my final two years of school, I think it would be safe to say that most of the kids, including myself, go at least two strokes on any given day. Teachers would set pass marks for tests, usually 80%, and you would get one stroke for each 10% below that pass mark. Getting caught smoking would secure six of the best, as would any other "serious" offence.

To be honest, I think discipline is a good thing, and despite the hundreds of lashes I clocked up during high school, I'm still here and it's not even something I think about. However, I do believe there are better ways to discipline kids should it be necessary.

I frequently hear adults complaining about a lack of discipline among school kids, but that lack of discipline starts at home, and to make matters worse, parents are opposed to their kids being disciplined by teachers. These days parents tend to baby their kids, and this is especially noticeable in Thailand with boys.

Young girls tend to be disciplined far more than boys here, to the point where it is nearly a joke. Having said all that, the kids at the school my daughters attend always appear to be well behave and respectful towards teachers, perhaps even too respectful. As we all know, it is frowned upon in Thailand if kids question teachers since it is seen as disrespect, but in my opinion this is unhealthy.

I can't talk for all schools in Thailand, but there are certainly no kids running around with phones and etc. in the school my kids go to. Of course that might not be the case in high schools here. For example, I've seen students from Hua-Hin Commercial College sitting smoking and drinking beer at 8 in the morning at a Mom and Pop shop outside the school gates. Now, that would probably have got you expelled from school back in day.

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Re: Discipline In Thai Schools

Post by GLCQuantum »

Discipline in Thai schools is pretty good (Hua Hin School, Salesian, The Thai Somtawin...) because they are told to sit down, shut up and listen to the teacher waffle on. They don't learn anything but at least they are quiet.

Discipline in decent schools is pretty good but more difficult as the students are taught to question things and become their own person - not just sit down, shut up and become a robot - which can result in a more 'active' classroom/school thus creating some small behaviour issues.

Good students is a direct result of good parenting, not good schooling. The naughty students that I've had over the years had parents who were absent. Taken care of by the maids for the most part. The best students that I've had have loving parents who take an active interest in their children's development.

If I had a kid I would certainly not punish them by whacking them into a Thai School nor would I be able to afford putting them into an actual school hence...

...I don't have a kid.
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Re: Discipline In Thai Schools

Post by dtaai-maai »

GLCQuantum wrote:If I had a kid I would certainly not punish them by whacking them into a Thai School nor would I be able to afford putting them into an actual school hence...

...I don't have a kid.

Mind you, it's customary (though not compulsory) to get a wife first! :laugh:
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Re: Discipline In Thai Schools

Post by GLCQuantum »

dtaai-maai wrote:
GLCQuantum wrote:If I had a kid I would certainly not punish them by whacking them into a Thai School nor would I be able to afford putting them into an actual school hence...

...I don't have a kid.

Mind you, it's customary (though not compulsory) to get a wife first! :laugh:
Get a wife first...?

That's soooooo 90's. :D
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Re: Discipline In Thai Schools

Post by DTHHSA »

The Dusit Thani Hua Hin Football Academy kids from a broad cross-section of local schools from the private International to local government one and even a couple from temple schools on our scholarships. When the academy first moved to Dusit Thani, the main concern of the hotel management was kids running around all over the place, disturbing guests at the spa and at the fitness centre, etc,.
It was made quite clear from the beginning that, except for when the team have special activities the hotel pools, on the other (beach) side of the hotel, were strictly out of bounds.
All worries have long passed as the kids have, on the whole, been polite and impeccably behaved - all 90+ registered kids have been a credit to both their teachers and parents. Saying that, four of the six coaches are teachers at various schools and so also know how to have fun while keeping a reign on the boys (and girls).
That said, we have had a couple of problems with kids from academies in or near Bangkok who, despite being well-briefed on the do's and dont's have tended to totally disregard our instructions and have caused problems at the pools and beach, seemingly having no respect for the privacy of paying guests. Maybe, it's a big city (rich kids') thing?
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