long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

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long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by dtaai-maai »

My 30-yr old Brit daughter may well seek to come for a long visit later this year, and I'm trying to think of her Visa options.
No specific time limit at this stage, but let's say 9 months plus.

She could get a triple entry visit visa if she's lucky.
Best bet Hull?
Otherwise she'll have to settle for a double entry and wing it from there with visa or border runs for as long that will get her.

I have a work permit here. Am I correct in thinking that my daughter can apply for a multiple entry Non-Imm O visa to visit me that can be extended with border runs every 90 days up to nearly 15 months?

Any other legit options?

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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by lomuamart »

Strictly speaking, I don't think your daughter is eligible for a Non O. The two main categories that lead to one are either if the applicant is married to a Thai or over 50.
Hull have done away with the "friends" part of getting one to visit "family and FRIENDS", but the family bit still remains and is worth checking out with them although I feel it's intended for visiting Thai family - wife or child. Maybe a copy of your work permit will help together with covering letter? In the first instance, I'd get in touch with Hull and see if they'll play ball.
Alternatively, there are other consulates and the last reports I saw said that Birmingham were still user-friendly on the basis of visiting "friends" so she may have a chance there. The London embassy will be a no-no, I'm sure.
If she's successful in getting a multi-entry Non O, then the visa will be valid for a year. She'll get 90 days on entry and as long as she does a border run on time she'll get another 90 each time she re-enters. If she exits just before THE VISA expires, she can get a "bonus" 90 days thus making the visa work for approx 15 months.
Other than the above, it'll be tourist visas. Hull used to give triple entries. Enter, get 60 days, extend for 30 days (cost 1,900THB), exit, re-enter and repeat twice. That'll give almost 9 months. She'll have to careful with timing as the visa will only be valid for 6 months so she must get her 3rd entry in before it expires. Ie, she'll have to cut short her second entry/extension. Still worth it though.
Good luck.
EDIT - reading back through this, I have to say that I'm really not sure if the "family" thing is just reserved for visiting Thai family. Perhaps be upbeat with your daughter about her chances before she speaks to Hull or anywhere else and she might get a pleasant surprise.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by moja »

Our British friends' son is a teacher on Samui and they got a non O through Hull on the basis of his work permit. They needed a copy of his birth certificate along with details and copy of his work permit so hopefully you will not have a problem for your daughter.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by lomuamart »

Ah ha. Thanks, moja.
That's clarified things and I didn't need to edit my post. Sounds positive.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by Spitfire »

That's a new one on me Moja, if indeed that is so possible.

The wonders of having a work permit here and the 'ins and outs' of the possibilities with visas. Nothing clear on this front and ambiguity rules in general with 'goal posts' constantly changing or new possibilities coming to light.......amazing.

Pretty cool if you can get family Non O visas on the strength that you have a WP.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by moja »

I have just checked the Hull website and below are the requirements for visiting family working here. This was updated two days ago so there should not (?) be any changes for a while.

3) Visiting non Thai family working/living in Thailand
Evidence required:
a) Birth/Marriage Certificate to show relationship
b) Letter from relative confirming they are in Thailand together with a copy of page
in their passport showing valid entry visa or a copy of their valid work permit..
Please note that either a single or multiple entry visa can be granted in these circumstances
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by dtaai-maai »

moja wrote:Our British friends' son is a teacher on Samui and they got a non O through Hull on the basis of his work permit. They needed a copy of his birth certificate along with details and copy of his work permit so hopefully you will not have a problem for your daughter.
If your friends' son is a teacher with a daughter, it sounds likely that the daughter is quite young. If she's under 18, and therefore a dependent, that might be a different set of rules. (Any idea on that, Lomu?)

With regard to a covering letter, I've been teaching at a government university for a few years now, so that might help.

It always makes me laugh (you know, as in :banghead: ) when Thai authorities ask for a birth certificate as well as a passport - how do they think you got the ppt? Hope they don't ask for mine - God knows where it is!

Thanks to all for help and suggestions.

EDIT: And thanks for that lost post, moja - I'll check it out.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by Takiap »

This is quite interesting because my sister has just inquired at the Thai embassy in South Africa. Her and her husband want to come over for about six months, but they've been told they can only get a 90 visa?

Surely it can't all depend on whether or not the family member has a work permit, and if so, why?

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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by dtaai-maai »

But if it's a multi-entry 90 day visa that is valid for a year, it can be used, as Lomu said above, to stay for nearly 15 months.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by lomuamart »

Reading what moja posted, I shouldn't think that your daughter's age will matter. She's family.
I did consider the "dependent" route when I first posted but discounted it.
Let us know how she gets on.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by lomuamart »

Perhaps Takiap can clarify, but it sounds like his family wanted a multi-entry but will only get a single.
Unfortunately, different places interpret the rules differently. As this application was made to the Embassy in SA, I would expect them to be stricter. An consulate, especially honourary like Hull, is always more user friendly as they pocket the money from visas. It's in their interests to be as flexible as possible.
Maybe the fact the dm has a WP does make all the difference, but if there's a consulate/ hon consulate in SA it might be worth your sister making enquiries there, Takiab.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by HHTel »

My mother arrived yesterday and she got her usual non-0 visa only last week from Hull stating 'visiting family'.
The only extra paperwork required is the relatively new one requiring a bank statement.
Also my daughter (30) will hopefully get a visa next month the same way.
Maybe it's on the verge of changing but it hadn't as of last week.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by SunandFun »

One other option would be an "education visa". Should could study Thai while here. Just an idea.
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Re: long-term visit to resident expat - NonImm O visa?

Post by Bomber »

My daughter has been granted a non O single entry visa for 90 days on the basis of visiting family( we have non OA retirement visa). Is it possible to extend this visa beyond the 90 days and if so how and for how long? many thanks
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