IQ of Thai children must be boosted, says minister

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IQ of Thai children must be boosted, says minister

Post by Norseman »

I have no idea of what their parents IQ levels are, but this is maybe a good start? They for sure need a boost!!
Any Mensa members in Thailand?

BANGKOK, July 21 (TNA)

Thai schools and curricula must be developed to boost the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) levels of Thai children in order to meet the international standard, Education Minister Chaturon Chaisang said here on Thursday.

Mr. Chaturon conceded that the ministry now faces a challenging mission of lifting the IQ levels of the country's younger generation, especially those in schools to meet the recognized standard.

Plans to develop both schools and curricula have been in place, but implementations have been postponed until the new government is formed after the next general election later this year, according to the education minister.

The minister admitted, however, that frequent changes in the education portfolio could affect national education development.

Mr. Chaturon's remarks followed a report at a symposium organized this week by the Ministry of Public Health that Thai children's IQs currently stand at 88 points on average, which are lower than the international standard of 100-110 points.

The report said the problem appears to have caused by an imbalanced development between the children's physical and intelligence strength by concerned parties, particularly parents who have paid more attention on their children's physical healthy than their IQ standard.
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Post by lomuamart »

Nice one Norseman.
I can only laugh. And good luck to all the nippers.
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Post by Jaime »

We all know how bad the education system is but I can understand the pre-occupation with physical health of children over and above intellectual development. We shouldn't forget that Thailand is in the process of rapid social change and it wasn't that long ago that infant mortality in Thailand was significantly higher than it is now and survival was the priority. My mother in law lost her first two children to malaria in infancy before my wife was born. This type of occurrence was common throughout the kingdom and most people now in their thirties are only one generation removed from a subsistence farming existence.
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More EQ than IQ

Post by Thaiclan »

EQ or (Emotional Intelligence) is now cited as one of the most important factors in developing an "intelligent" child.
EQ is the ability of children to take intellectual risks to meet an objective, their ability to involve themselves in a variety of groups including age groups.
Thailand lacks behind this far more than their IQ levels.
They are not taught to be assertive, to question authority, to ask why???
This is a major difference in Western education systems whereby the process of learning is far more significant than the outcome.
The results of the Thai education system are eveident everyday. University graduates (even MBA) who cannot think outside the box, cannot determine the best course of action- only what they are told to do.
Adding 10 or more points to the IQ won't change much. Developing a more rounded education will.
Some of the best educational questions to ask your child?

Why do you think that?
What is your idea?
How did you get to that answer?
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Post by lomuamart »

The parents of my ex lost a lot of children either through child birth or before they reached one year old. I can't remember the the awful statistics, but it was something like, of the 5 that survived, 13 were conceived. That isn't a joke. Even allowing for some embellishment, the statistics weren't good upcountry two generations ago.
As for assertiveness, I continually "have a go" at my wife for her lack of it - particularly towards me.
Thaiclan's observations are all about "open-ended questions".
Who, what, why, where, when?
Any question beginning with those words requires an answer more exacting than yes or no. Interrogative, I think is what they're called.
Thaiclan is absolutely correct and I lose sight of how it aggrieves my wife when she says she's going out and I ask "why".
I'm only joking, but it sends her into a frenzy. I'd never thought about it that way.
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Post by hogus »

Just a cynical remark:
Our Thai friends should be very proud about the IQ of their kids!
For the most Thais this impressive IQ will be hardly accessible at the adult's age, as we can observe daily.
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Post by lomuamart »

Thing is, that as far as I'm concerned, the Thais learn really quickly. Languages etc.
Now anyone can say that's due to there being nothing in their heads in the first place, or their needing to, to better themselves.
Overall, I reckon the Thais are really intelligent people. They certainly knock spots off me when it comes to living.
Maybe not the way "we" in the west understand living, but from a practical point of view, here, they're not bad.
And probably the most important thing is that they're willing to learn. I just think about my command of the Thai language after years - not good. Then I listen to a Thai person who's been learning English for only a few months. Not bad.
Because they've got to, to get on and are willing to do so.
Just my opinion.
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Post by Guess »

Well I get to hear some bollocks here in Thailand that that just about takes the biscuit (the statement from the education minister I mean, not any of the posters on this site). The so called IQ tests that were devised, mostly back in the 1930s by people like Hans Jürgen Eysenck, are of little significance in the modern world. Also the tests were devised for the culture and society in the West. More advanced research has shown that tests can be devised that allow ancient tribes from Papua New Guinea that have little exposure from the west to score much higher than University Students in the West.

The figure of 100 BTW was set as being the mean so how can they state that the average is between 100 and 110. If the system has in any way to be credited then the average must be 100.

The main problem with this archaic IQ testing system, although it could quite capably test a persons apptitude to perform certain tasks that were required during that period, they are wholly inadequate for many regions and cultures of the world that have different requirements of education.

This whole system has been discredited by Psychologists for many years now. If the Thais are using IQ tests to evaluate childrens learning abilities I suggest that they go back to the drawing board before they go down the route that many western countries took.

Instead of messing about with IQ testing the Thai Education Authorities should be teaching the children things that they need to know to succeed in the Thailand that we live in today whilst always being aware of changing trends. Obviously the existing culture must be preserved as much as possible while doing this.

Anybody here who has any form of business knows that you can not find anybody to carry out tasks that a required and can be paid for. I believe that the problem is that they have had no education in basci skilss of numeracy ond literacy. The majority of Thais that have had a decent education can mage to succeed and lead a life of acceptable quality.

All this has absolutely F**k All to do with IQ and knowing what shape comes next and what is the next number in the sequence.

Why don't the authorities educate the children durin the normal working day when they are at school rather then let them run amok for half of the day unsupervised and spend much of the remaining time in music lessons.

This whole system has been discredited by Psychologists for many years now. If the Thais are using IQ tests to evaluate childrens learning abilities I suggest that they go back to the drawing board before they go down the route that many western countries took.

This subject makes me so angry that I feel like phoning up a radio talk in. :guns: :guns: :guns:
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Post by PeteC »

lomuamart wrote:Overall, I reckon the Thais are really intelligent people. They certainly knock spots off me when it comes to living.
Maybe not the way "we" in the west understand living, but from a practical point of view, here, they're not bad.
Absolutely correct from a practical point of view. Give a Thai a crate filled with twine, bits of scrap metal and whatever other junk and he'll either build a motorcycle from it or, repair everything that is broken in the house with it. He'll then take the left overs and secure 15 penned hogs in the back of a 1 ton p/u truck, stacked and secured enough to make the trip to BKK. He may even rig up a fan running from the rear wheel to keep them cool. :shock: Pete
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