Snake Oil Salesmen

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Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by sandman67 »

It appears that I have been wrong in my accusations that the preachers that infect our world are in fact nothing but glorified and becostumed snake oil salemen.

In fact they are anti-snake oil salesmen

:lach: :lach: :lach: :lach:

Haaaallllellooooooyahhhhhhh gobble gobble I can feel the hot power.....

Think thats mad, bad or just plain downright f**knuts? Try this on for size.....

now you were saying that having faith is harmless.......??? Please.... continue....

:twisted: :twisted: :cheers:
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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by lindosfan1 »

Do Americans believe that crap, are they that stupid, advertising standards do not apply over there obviously.
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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by sandman67 »

First Ammendment Freedom Of Speech mate.....

the same so called freedom that allows the hate mongers of the Westboro Church to turn up at soldiers funerals and scream abuse at the mourners, the KKK to stand on courthouse steps and spout hatred, and allows preachers to openly label gay people "evil" "perverts" and "abominations". The same freedoms that empower Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Alex Jones to spout lies fear and paranoia across their airwaves.

My how they love to choke on the pretzels of freedom.

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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by sandman67 »

Sorry Lindos...didnt answer all your points:

1) Are US citizens stupid?

Well that isnt actually a very contentious issue at all. Compared to Europeans the answer is YES. Consistently the US lags way behind in educational league tables..... so badly the US started throwing in Mexico to make sure they werent Back O The Bus all on their ownio.

Here the explaination is simple: In Europe educational standards are decided by centralised government departments, usually employing panels of education experts and experts in their individual fields. The public education system is therefore pretty standard, as are educational standards across Europe. A recent example here is that the EU recently issued a decree banning the teaching of any form of Creationism teaching except in RE class. Why? because its superstitious nonsense that defys 150+ years of hard scientific evidence. Its faith, and is classed as such.

Over in La La Land they decide what kids learn on a district by district/state basis. The decisions are made by School Boards, and the people who get elected onto those boards are idiot members of the public with no qualifications. The Texas School Board for example....not ONE qualified educator on the board. That is common across all the system. It gets further compromised by allowing preachers to sit on these panels, despite a stated separation of church and state, and allowing home schooler parents whose kids are NOT in the system to determine what other kids get to learn. Its democratic education - education by conscensus. As a result their kids educations are used as political footballs by the religious right, as the recent Texas School Board and Louisiana School Board scandals have shown. Kitzmiller vs Dover Area School District (see ... l_District for a summary) is just one in a long ongoing list of stupid court cases that are the result. In the US they have spent 80 years trying hard to get Creationism taught as Biology 101.

Teaching kids about magic talking snakes in biology class, and a culture where EVERY opinion has equal weight whether uninformed or not, makes for a society that is over credible and vulnerable to snake oil salesmen, whether they sell magic oil, magic cloths, or pyramid Ponsi schemes.

2) Do they believe this nonsense?

Well obviously yes. Look at the amount of untaxed revenue these snake oil selling scum rake in every year via their filthy childish con tricks and mega churches.

Look at the faiths they espouse.

Not the staid and fusty faiths of old Europa for, the happy clappy rock n roll heretical filth of Evangelical faiths. Snake dancing preachers, talking in tongues....signs and wonders. Magic tricks, shell games and scams to separate the hysterical opium deluded masses from their bucks. Christianity at its most ridiculous, childish format spiced with end times fear and loathing and a good dose of "we are better than them" bigotry and blind self rightiousness. Idiotic literalist nonsense for a stupid non reasoning flock.

When over 50% of your population sincerely believes that the earth is just 6000 years old, that God Did It is always the answer to hard questions such as how we got here, and the Flintstones was in fact a documentary series..... what the hell do you expect?

And when you blindly defend a constituted freedom, without realising the responsibilities of that freedom and regulating it with moderation, and ignore the very apparent evidence of its corrosive effect on your society.... damn well deserve to choke to death on those pretzels....and on the way provide a barrel o belly laughs for people like me

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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by lindosfan1 »

SM67 said
The same freedoms that empower Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Alex Jones to spout lies fear and paranoia across their airwaves.
I put the people that follow the above fools, in the same category as the ones who buy the stuff from the wierdos in the first post.

I have American friends who I have met in Europe. Intelligent good people, one in particular has the same view as us over the wierd religeons, gets very upset about the stupidity of people that follow them.

Interesting about the education system.

Free speech is good, but must be governed by common sense, the religous cranks should be sued for false advertising, the jones category locked in an asylum.
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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by Vital Spark »

It's not just confined to the United States, SM. Those videos did make me laugh - but I find it amazing that in the 21st Century people are that gullible.

A Thai colleague came in the other day with a bottle of 'water' that actually looked like pee. 'What's that?' I ask. 'It's water that has been blessed by monks and will help me recover from my illness,' she said in all seriousness. 'I'm giving some to Fon because she hasn't been feeling well, and this will make her feel better.'

I very much doubt if the 'special' water was free - I guess a donation to the spiritual fund was required.

I actually thought about taking a swig (as Fon wasn't in the office at the time), but I thought that maybe my cynical mind would have cancelled out the 'special' healing powers.

R. :wink:
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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by sandman67 »


I have the same thing with Mrs S and the family, the endless amulet / magic string / blessed water thing, but Im a lot more understanding and respectful here than I ever would be with a yank. A run of the mill Thai person has none of the advantages a yank has access to - a solid education system, computers, etc etc. Ive travelled a lot and seen the faith scams everywhere. In developing countries you can sort of understand why they perpetuate....its just a lack of education and progress.

In America the situation is entirely different. There it is a matter of blind superstition and willful ignorance....ignorance that takes a conscious decision to ignore medical and scientific advice in favour of the shabby mouthings of some two bit con artist called a preacher and his filthy book of lies.

Ignorance is understandable when it isnt the persons fault. Wilfull ignorance is inexcusable.

I would love to hear an American defend here in logical terms the insanity of having education decisions made by local boards made up of unqualified members of the public.

Before you attempt it heres a little pop quiz:

1) Your car breaks down. Who do you ask to fix it?
a) Joe the Plumber
b) Don the Dentist
c) Mike the Car Mechanic

2) You are having heart problems. Who do you go to see?
a) Joe the Plumber
b) Don the Dentist
c) Sam the Heart Surgeon

3) Your kids education standards are being determined. Who do you put in charge?
a) Joe the Plumber
b) Don the Dentist
c) A government appointed panel of education experts and academics.

If you answer consistently C to the above you live in Europe
If you answer A or B to any of the above you live in the lunatic asylum called America.

When you put creationist christian right wing Dentists in charge, you end up with thick kids. You also end up in court regularly wasting education budgets on court cases that are unwinnable, and provide endless belly laugh stories in the international press at the stupidity of your system and the idiots you put in charge. The end result is a nation that is riddled with unjustified fear and loathing, and subject to the idiotic claims of con men of all stripes.

Hallllelllluja Jebus! Feel the Hot Power!

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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by sandman67 »

"Science flew men to the moon. Religion flew men into buildings."

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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by HuntingTigers »

Mind you, the UK is not entirely free of religion meddling in education. There are about 7000 faith schools in the UK the vast majority of which are Christian based.

"Faith schools in the independent sector
In the independent sector there are around 2400 independent schools providing education for approximately 550,000 pupils. Currently there are 957 independent faith schools educating approximately 21,200 pupils. Of those 957 schools, 786 have a Christian ethos or are inter-denominational and the remaining 171 schools comprise:

Muslim (118)
Jewish (49)
Hindu (2)
Buddhist (1)
Sikh (1)"

It may be rubbish - but by golly it's British rubbish.
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Re: Snake Oil Salesmen

Post by charlesh »

S/m - have you considered in becoming a prayer warrior? I am sure with Fluster perching on your shoulder and a prayer shawl or prayer cloth you could show those evil doers, fornicators etc etc the folly of their ways - and make a Bht or 2 as well ha, ha.
A damned good reason why procreation should be controlled especially in the Southern states.
I must admit though the blood of Jesus oil (strange concoction) could be readily applied in a refreshing neut pan boran !
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