Education reform forgotten amid the crisis

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Education reform forgotten amid the crisis

Post by buksida »

The ongoing political crisis has affected efforts to move ahead with educational reform. For instance, there are several proposals regarding reform still pending Cabinet consideration. Among the proposals awaiting executive decisions is the development of teachers' quality, which is a 15-year plan.

It seems that one political crisis or another has always disrupted educational reform efforts. Even without the current political problems, educational reform has been progressing at a snail's pace. The officials at the Education Ministry normally won't risk taking an initiative, as they prefer to wait for signals from the government. Therefore, whenever the political situation becomes confusing and there is a lack of leadership, the officials tend to play it safe by following the incumbent educational policy, which does not promise any changes for the better.

Traditionally, the Education Ministry portfolio has not been a coveted one for Thai politicians. Although education is the most important element in the development of the country, the ministry has often been perceived as simply a sideline. Governments have tended to fill the education minister's post with unqualified people simply to reward them as politicians.

We have never heard any government saying that it placed the highest priority on education. Instead, administrations tend to cite political issues such as constitutional amendment highest on their agenda.

The new government must place higher priority on the educational reform effort. The country's economic master plan highlights the strength of communities and community development, in line with environmental and natural resource issues. However, development will not be fully realised if youngsters in all communities are not sufficiently educated to enable them to apply knowledge to their lives and communities.

The new government should work to ensure that every student has an equal right and opportunity to be well educated, and that the teaching standard be raised to this end. We hope that the new government will place priority on education for the future of the nation.

Source: The Nation

Thought: Couldn't agree more. When you look at all the PPP snakes defecting to the Democrats it becomes painfully obvious that none of the politicians give a toss about the country or these issues. Lining their pockets is priority number one.
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Post by faq2mfh »

It's sad but very true Buksida. Education should be high on the priority list as it's a great long term investment...
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Post by hhfarang »

In my humble opinion, that is one of the reasons for the decline in the U.S. economy in recent years. In the last three or four decades the government there has taken it's eye off the "educate for the future of the country" ball.

It's amazing how much money government bureaucracies can waste and still not put enough aside to provide a good education, which should have the highest priority right after the health and protection of children.

Without education, a country has no future but too many government officials can't see past the end of their term in office or the next election.
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Reform? What's the story Larry?

Post by da »

Education reform at the Hua Hin level is Stamford shutting down in Hua Hin and moving to Bangkok, ---Webster Thailand (you know the American school) barely scrapping by with Non US faculty, the bogus rumor on the board about the phantom Intl school based on the British Curriculum starting up, plus all the bad feelings, infighting aired on this forum about working at or dealing with the mgt at the other exisiting area kids schools.

The area is ripe-- actually the market is begging for- a properly managed player to step in
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