Buying an air rifle in Hua Hin

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Re: Buying an air rifle in Hua Hin

Post by Takiap »

Yes 404, there are a lot of gun related crimes committed in Thailand, but not ever have I heard of any mass shootings here like the ones you have in the US every other day. Understandably, with gun related crimes already being quite high here, the government doesn't want to make matters even worse buy allowing foreigners to carry guns as well.

You are correct about contract killings in that prices start really low. If the target is an important person, or even a Farang, the price tends to go up. My lifelong friend who lived in Hat Yai had to fork out 200,000 to get himself shot twice and stabbed once. I say he ad to fork out the money only because it was his money which his wife used to pay for the hit.

At least the assassins appreciate our worth and value. :wink:
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Re: Buying an air rifle in Hua Hin

Post by waz50 »

Hi Everyone
Have had a major problem here in Pranburi for the last 6mths with SKY RATS/Pidgeons ,have made our life hell,I have netted the offending roof underlinings have consulted my teeluk and every other bad sign and omen in the land of s...s.but enough!!!!! Short of dropping a nuke on my own house what can I do.I know the remedy a bit of the old 303 but this is not an allowable option here have tried many places in HH only to be told as usual No Have!!! All I need is a .22 air rifle for 2 days and there will no longer be a problem the gun shop near the original bangkok bank now advises No Have I am getting desperate now can some one give me a bangkok contact number or website I refuse to believe you can not purchase here in Thailand
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Re: Buying an air rifle in Hua Hin

Post by ozuncle »

Spikes and or gel.
I posted somewhere on the forum about my huge pigeon problem a few years ago.
The company name was Stop Bird.and they did a great job.
A cheaper option would be to buy the gear and apply it yourself.
Believe me. It is the best way to go.
Years later and they still won’t come near our place.
Good luck
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Re: Buying an air rifle in Hua Hin

Post by Takiap »

I think WAZ 50 should follow your advice rather than risk being arrested. You can actually buy air rifles here, even without a license, but in Thailand they are classified as firearms, and the law states that you need a license. If you get caught with one, and especially if you get caught using it, you will almost certainly be arrested and charged with multiple offenses. Just not worth the risk IMO.

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Re: Buying an air rifle in Hua Hin

Post by Nereus »

Not sure if the old guy still does it, but his name is Direk, 089 678 2992, in Bangkok.

He has been to Hua Hin, but it is not cheap!
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