Security Council puts Myanmar on agenda

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Security Council puts Myanmar on agenda

Post by PeteC »

Good, damn good! Maybe they can bring Thailand and EGAT into it as well concerning the power plants that will pump money to these monkeys. Pete

By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer Fri Sep 15, 6:51 PM ET

UNITED NATIONS - Over strong opposition from China, the U.N. Security Council on Friday put Myanmar on its agenda in what U.S. officials called a "major step forward" in American efforts to increase pressure on the country's military dictatorship.

The council voted 10-4 to formally list Myanmar, which has drawn international condemnation for imprisoning hundreds of political opponents, including pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
China led Russia, Qatar and Congo in opposing the move, saying Myanmar has made strides in solving its problems and doesn't pose a threat to international security — the requirement for council consideration.

Tanzania abstained, while the United States, Britain, France, Argentina, Denmark, Greece, Japan, Ghana, Peru and Slovakia voted in favor of considering Myanmar, which also is known as Burma.

"This a major step forward for President Bush's effort to bring to the attention of the international community the situation inside Burma and its effects in its region and around the world," U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said.

He also cited a refugee crisis and problems with drug smuggling and AIDS in his contention that Myanmar threatens to destabilize southern Asia and therefore poses a "threat to international peace and security."

The council requested a formal briefing by U.N. envoy Ibrahim Gambari, who was allowed to visit Myanmar earlier this year and meet with Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize winner for her pro-democracy efforts.

The United States has long sought to get Myanmar formally onto the council agenda to bring more scrutiny to its government and the plight of the South Asian nation's people.

The council cannot take up issues that are not on its agenda, a procedural rule that allows nations to block discussions of issues and nations they don't want to draw attention to. Conversely, once an item is on the agenda, it can be repeatedly brought up by any nation.

France's U.N. ambassador, Jean-Marc de La Sabliere, said the decision would speed efforts to promote democracy in Myanmar. "They really need to have big change in Myanmar and the council can — discussing this issue — help," he said.

When asked if the council can do anything to promote Suu Kyi's release, he said, "This is something we have to look at."

Myanmar's junta took power in 1988 after crushing the democracy movement. In 1990, it refused to hand over power when Suu Kyi's political party won a landslide election victory.

Suu Kyi has spent nearly 11 of the last 17 years in detention, mostly under house arrest, despite worldwide calls for her freedom along with hundreds of other political prisoners.

Chinese Ambassador Wang Guangya said it was "preposterous" to put a country on the council's agenda because of issues like human rights, refugees, drugs and AIDS.

"To force the Security Council intervention is not only inappropriate but will further complicate the situation," he said.

China and Russia have business ties with Myanmar and have competed with one another for more trade deals there. Human rights groups say China sells weapons to Myanmar.
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Post by DawnHRD »

Love the Chinese ambassador's response. It's preposterous to put a country under supervision of the security council because of issues like human rights, refugees, drugs & AIDS. It's really about time that the rest of the world realised that the whole raison d'etre of the security council is chasing unpaid parking tickets! :twisted:
Amazing! :roll: :shock: :P
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Post by caller »

The cynic in me asks what is the west after - the morals behind this have been there for many years, but equally apply to Zimbabwe and many others?

Nor am I saying (gulp) that there is neccessarily anything wrong with an ultierior motive, albeit it if it adds value to those who live there - but this isn't about charity, is it?

What threat, currently, is Burma to the region? Is there a concern of increased Chinese influence/control? Therefore impacting on the rest of the region? Is this still an overflow of the domino theory?

Not angling for a fight, just looking to understand more?
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Post by PeteB »

Really helpful post. (The one that has now been deleted)

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