Biggest Benefit to Being Expat

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Re: Biggest Benefit to Being Expat

Post by 404cameljockey »

VincentD wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:23 pm
404cameljockey wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:13 pm Mr. bitter and twisted....
Dear sir, those who know me don't find me like that.. Perhaps you are reading a fair amount into it as well?
404cameljockey wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:13 pm Where did you see in his post what job and remuneration he has? Yes you read a lot that isn't there, for sure.
His own comments in the post above my reply.
404cameljockey wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:13 pm Let him have his fun, and don't give advice when it wasn't asked for! A lot of youngsters spend time hopping between jobs in the Far East. I'm sure he knows he can flit to HK, Sing, even China if he wants, and maybe earn (yes and spend!) a lot more than in Thailand.
He's welcome to have his fun. My comment was made based on my own observations and experiences with other people who've been there, done that. Spend too much time away and you lose opportunity to progress in your own country. And the comment was made to him..
404cameljockey wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:13 pm Why the sweet f**k go back to rotten Europe where the weather is shite, everyone scowls and you pay 20 Euro's for a pizza delivery :D
Europe is still considered 'first world' with a lot of opportunities for it's citizens that many other countries are lacking. As for pizzas and the cost thereof in a first world country, the cost of living is also a reflection of the standard of living.
I read that he's a young lad enjoying seeing a different world. I don't see I said more than that. And I still don't see in his post how much he earns or what he does, so I don't see how you do.

I agree some people come to the Far East (Middle East too) and treat their years there like an extended holiday. Earn enough to live and party, then go home with very little in the bank. My point was, why go home? My daughter has been 12 years in the Middle East and is doing fine, my son the same. They found partners and are building their lives.

I believe the complete opposite of you concerning opportunities. The opportunities are many outside of Europe. It may be unfair (not to mention sometimes untrue), but having a white skin in many countries is seen as a sign that you can think autonomously, have confidence in yourself and are therefore management material and gets you promoted over others who may be better qualified. Emiratis for example will usually want Filipinos for basic tasks, Indians/Pakistanis for middle management and a white guy at the top of the chain (under the Emirati owner, of course). It's just how it is.

I know someone who arrived in Dubai with nothing (except maybe a minor criminal record in the UK), worked hard and after 10 years is now in a powerful management position in a property outfitting company. He has a wife and kid now (I never thought he would ever settle down).
People will do what they want, whatever place they are living in.

Finally, I believe I have a high standard of living in Thailand, and it comes at a fraction of the price of London or Frankfurt. Also the pizza here can be exceptional! I guess it depends on what you want out of life.

Anyway, he was contributing to a thread talking about what's good in expat life, and didn't ask for a bucket of cold water dumped on his head. He's probably on a plane back home now as we speak! :D
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Re: Biggest Benefit to Being Expat

Post by VincentD »

I hear you. Hope the lad has a decent break and doesn't break too many hearts along the way. Yes, agree there are opportunities but they are few and far between. And I totally agree with exposure to the world, hopefully not just the view through the bottom of a Saengsom bottle or based on someone else's ramblings on a YouTube channel.
And I hope he at least waits till the end of winter to jump back on the plane. 8)
Been here too long and am still a grumpy old fart.
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Re: Biggest Benefit to Being Expat

Post by 404cameljockey »

VincentD wrote: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:41 am Been here too long and am still a grumpy old fart.
We all have our moments! :cheers: :cheers:
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Re: Biggest Benefit to Being Expat

Post by hhfarang »

VincentD wrote: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:41 am I hear you. Hope the lad has a decent break and doesn't break too many hearts along the way. Yes, agree there are opportunities but they are few and far between. And I totally agree with exposure to the world, hopefully not just the view through the bottom of a Saengsom bottle or based on someone else's ramblings on a YouTube channel.
And I hope he at least waits till the end of winter to jump back on the plane. 8)
Been here too long and am still a grumpy old fart.

Hey Vincent, maybe it's time to leave. I did after ten years there and have never been happier about any decision I've made in my life. If you read posts from long time expats that have moved back home you will find nearly all of them to be positive.

There are positive and negative aspects of living anywhere. You just need to compare both of those in your home country with Thailand and you may be surprised at the outcome. At the end of my stint in Thailand my list of living there contained many more negatives than positives while after being back in my home country for a little over three years, I can come up with only two negatives against a very long list of positives.

My brain is like an Internet browser; 12 tabs are open and 5 of them are not responding, there's a GIF playing in an endless loop,... and where is that annoying music coming from?
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