Pool Chlorine

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Pool Chlorine

Post by maccastime »

Have had a few problems with my pool,i have been buying products from J.D. Pools near Market Village,they sold me Chlorine tablets,they smell really strong,so i thought they must be good?? definately rubbish,had to add heaps of these nearly every day to keep the level up,they also sold me some granules of p/h lowerer,rubbish as well,why are these people in business?? me thinks to rip off the Farangs,i now deal with S.K Pools,they also confirmed that i need to bin what products i have. I now have Chlorine granules,and Liquid Acid to keep my p/h down. so far all good.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by Onlychaam »

I need to buy some chemicals too. Where can I find SK Pools? Any other recommendations? (The closer to Cha-am the better.)

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by pitsch »

I buy chemicals at GDL Poolshop, south of Hua Hin. 20 kg Chlorine for 3000 Baht and about 20 Liter Acid for 350 Baht (+50Baht deposit).
How much do you pay at SK Pools?
With J.D.Pools I had bad experience in Chiang Rai.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by Nereus »

Onlychaam wrote:I need to buy some chemicals too. Where can I find SK Pools? Any other recommendations? (The closer to Cha-am the better.)

Thanks in advance.
There is a pool shop in the block of shops just north of Soi 6. Just past the Airport, the second u turn and its on the West side of the Petchkasem Rd. Not been in there, so do not know anymore about them.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by poosmate »

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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by maccastime »

Onlychaam wrote:I need to buy some chemicals too. Where can I find SK Pools? Any other recommendations? (The closer to Cha-am the better.)

Thanks in advance.
I am new to H/H,so i am not sure of the road S.K are on,however heading out of town go up Chomsin rd,to the big roundabout,cross over rail line,road goes to the right,then stay on this rd for about 1 k/m,they are on the right hand side,almost opposite Phoenix Bar.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by maccastime »

pitsch wrote:I buy chemicals at GDL Poolshop, south of Hua Hin. 20 kg Chlorine for 3000 Baht and about 20 Liter Acid for 350 Baht (+50Baht deposit).
How much do you pay at SK Pools?
With J.D.Pools I had bad experience in Chiang Rai.
I only bought a 3kg bag of chlorine to try,as have not used granules before,so far so good so will poss buy a 20k.g lot next,i bought some Algaicide/clarifier and a few bits and pieces,the clarifier was 1,800 bht,but u only need a small dose once a week. Cant remember how much the 20k.g chlorine was sorry,but when i return to them i will let u know.Acid was 350 bht as well.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by c.g »

we have a promotion on at the moment

chlorine 20kg 2700
chlorine 50kg 5000
algaecides 1700
acid is 350

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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by MXcross »

I get my stuff from a shop in Cha am very reasonable prices (better than I've seen so far) and they deliver, Oh and they have acid salt instead of having drums of liquid acid lying about in those wonderful not so sealable drums that have been used for anything from diesel to sato.
They also have Soda ash for when you get it just a little wrong.
The clarifier we did away with and instead went the old west way and threw a small silver ingot in the mixer tank.
If it was good enuff for keepin the water fresh on the old wagon trains it's good enuff for me.(and cheaper in the long run+ the fewer chemicals you leave out for a pool man to use the safer you'll be Trust me on that one!!!!)
If they're taught wrong they'll do wrong !
I can't put the name of the shop in Cha am up here or can I ?
Bugger it, if you want the number for it msg me and I'll gladly pass it on and NO I don't own or have shares in the shop.
But I do like to help on here if at all possible.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by Noz »

Our landlord has just constructed what he calls a jacuzzi but to me it seems more of a big outdoor tub with a pump. Anyway, the guy who installed the pump recommended we use some chlorine but I wonder if anyone can recommend quantities required and a place to buy in these quantities? The construction itself is about 2m long x 1.5m wide x 1m high and is permanently full of the same water.


P.S. The pump is an Astral Pool Victoria Plus model. I wasn't there for the installation and we were left no instruction manual, so any tips appreciated. The guy left it on filter setting and said to my girlfriend to just plug and unplug for use. I'm sure there's more to it given several other vague settings.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by Nereus »

Noz wrote:P.S. The pump is an Astral Pool Victoria Plus model. I wasn't there for the installation and we were left no instruction manual, so any tips appreciated. The guy left it on filter setting and said to my girlfriend to just plug and unplug for use. I'm sure there's more to it given several other vague settings.
The "thing" needs to be treated in the same manner as a swimming pool, or it will very soon turn green and become a health hazard.

Given the dimensions that you have quoted you have around 3,750 liters, or just over 800 gallons of water that needs sanitising. As you have mentioned a filter it appears to be set up correctly, but the water needs to be circulated through the filter every day. You need to quote the horsepower (HP) size of the pump to be able to roughly calculate how many hours a day to run the pump.
The addition of chlorine, and probably some algaecide, will have to be carefully monitored with regular testing of the water pH.

I think that I would be telling the Landlord to pay to maintain it, and you should also establish who is going to pay for the extra power to run it. :cheers:
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by hockeyrick »

A simple note, every pool should be fitted with an automatic sanitizer, be it salt system or copper purapool or whatever.
If you do it manually and don't know what you are doing then your water will never be in balance and you will continually have problems, be it health or the actual pool itself! Homeowners think its easy and thats when they get into trouble!!!
Its not just chlorine and ph!
When in doubt, ask a true pool water professional.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by chopsticks »

Can you explain some more as to how they work and what they do ?

I always understood it was just a case of keeping the water pH at the correct level (by adding pool acid or soda ash) for the regular chlorine dosing to be effective.
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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by hockeyrick »

How the auto sanitizers work?
The chlorine/salt ones make chlorine out of a saline water solution, same as the big factories do, just in a smaller dose.
Its an electrical process as the water passes over the electrically charged, specially coated cells. Salt water in one end, highly chlorinated water out the other, and at the same time shocks the water solution removing chloramines, they residual stuff after the chlorine kills bacteria. That is the smell you see in a pool that is normally chlorinated over time, chloramine buildup and eye irritation! Not too much chlorine.
In other methods, they use copper or even silver, these have been bacteria fighting agents sine time began.
PROPER and healthy pool water is a balance of sanitizer(whatever you choose, proper ph level, alkalinity, calcium hardness(the proper level keeps your grout in tact and pebble bottom steps, etc. from being eaten from calcium starved pool water), and finally cyanuric acid(this keeps the chlorine only stabalized in the water and protects it from being eaten away from UV sunlight, if not, then chlorine can disappear in a matter of a few hours in complete sunlight)
A true pool professional is also a water chemist to maintain the proper balance, and to ensure "healthy" water.
California we have strict health standards, here no one cares till they get a water born illness, and it is is more common than you care to imagine!
That's it in a nutshell, but coz we're in Thailand, everyone thinks the laws of biology don't apply here! But its the tropics, and everything is magnified here!
Also most everything is more expensive coz Thailand does not make hardly anything related to pools, the only thing that is cheap is labor, everything else is 3 times as much. And to be a pool man here we get no wholesale costs, its all strictly retail, go figure!
Oops, you got me started!!!

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Re: Pool Chlorine

Post by chopsticks »

OK, thanks for the explanation.
By sanitizer you mean choosing between chlorine produced from the salt electrode system or the direct adding chlorine option which is more commonplace.
If the chlorine used is stabilised and the usual pool acid is used to keep the pH optimum, then it's just the calcium levels that need checking - how do you regulate this or is it determined by the water quality used for the initial filling and susequent top-ups ?
Should pool owners avoid using borehole/well water which is usually high in calcium ?
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