How much would it cost to live in Thailand (HH) for one year

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Re: How much would it cost to live in Thailand (HH) for one

Post by PeteC »

Good to see you're getting settled in Fach. Don't lose all the enthusiasm you had before you got here. :D Once the newness wears off you'll find the place can drag on you, or perk you up. Just depends upon keeping a positive attitude and not letting the silly things that happen here get you down.

Good question about kitchen gas. A normal size household bottle I believe costs about 275 Baht per refill. However, when you go to get the first bottle I believe you have to buy the container itself also. I'll guess about 400 baht for that, but it's been a long time and I'm really not sure. Also, the regulator for the top and connection hose, cost ? Cooking two normal meals a day one bottle will last a minimum of 3 months and a max of about 5, depends upon what you cook....quick fry or long simmering. Pete :cheers:
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Re: How much would it cost to live in Thailand (HH) for one

Post by fach3003 »

Hi Pete
There are plenty of things to grate on you here
But its easier just to go along with the flow....

It took alot of hard ( miserable ) years at work to be here
Living our dream.....

Thanks for the gas advice the missus will be flying through
the bottles as she loves home cooking but it is good to
go out for a meal here and there.....
Just enjoying it here...
Mind once the little one goes to school next year
I will need something to keep me busy...

The only Geordie in sleepy Cha am since 2009 :cheers:
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Lung Per
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Re: How much would it cost to live in Thailand (HH) for one

Post by Lung Per »

Living in Thailand would cost you somewhere between half and two thirds of the cost of living in Europe, the U.S. or the U.K., as a rule of thumb. I am not including countries like Albania, Bulgaria and Turkey in Europe. If you really want to live the cheapo way, go to Albania.
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uncle tom
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Re: How much would it cost to live in Thailand (HH) for one

Post by uncle tom »

This is one of those questions that is a bit like 'how long is a piece of string?'

The beauty of hot tropical countries is that you can, if you want, get by with very little money - provided you live as the locals do, and pay local (not tourist) prices.

I know one farang who is very happily settled with his Thai wife and step-child, who appears to get by quite comfortably on nothing more than a basic single UK state pension - less than 250,000 baht p.a.

He openly admits to being useless with money, and gives the lot to his wife - who in turn manages to spare him enough for the odd beer..

I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly...
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