Terror plot to bomb planes foiled in the UK

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Post by caller »

Interesting that someone has picked up on the fact that one of those arrested was working at Heathrow, I haven't seen more about what he/she was doing.

A few years ago, did quite a bit of work there and working with HAL security had to go and check Co. premises at all 4 terminals, land and airside, as they couldn't tell us if what we were looking at was a broom cupboard or an office!!

Also identified lots of scams with false ID's, false references etc.

Astonishingly, it used to be the companies employing staff airside that would vet and check references, ID's etc, with the security people only doing % checks on those checks - I hope that has changed!?

Theres a lot of corrupt companies out there.
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Post by Limey711 »

This information taken from the Manchester Airport home page.

We are flying out to Thailand in three weeks time, if these restrictions are still in force, then so be it. As long I feel my family are safe to travel, then it is all worth it.


Passenger Information

Please be advised that all retail and catering facilities are operating normally. Be aware, however, that if you wish to buy anything before you go through security please do this BEFORE you check in, as all items will need to be placed into your bags to be checked in.

Once through security passengers to all destinations (with the exception of the USA) can shop freely and take all products on board.

NO products may be taken on board an aircraft bound for the USA other than the essential items allowed through security.

Items such as papers , food and drink may be bought once through security but must be consumed whilst in the airport and travellers will not be allowed to take these purchases on board the aircraft.

If you do wish to purchase tax free items Alpha Airport Shopping and Dixons Tax Free are offering collect on your return and home delivery services
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Post by JW »

hollygolightly1 wrote
Well, I have to admit (at risk of being bombarded with evil replies) that I'm sceptical... it seems a convenient time to foil a major plot - divert attention from Lebanon, pat on the back for unpopular Blair etc. I was in New York during the great anthrax scare (and you wouldn't believe the items on breakfast tv - how to wear a gas mask fashionably....) which turned out to be the work of a homegrown nutter rather than an international terrorist organisation. I was also in London when the poor Brazilian believed to be a terrorist was shot. How come they got it so wrong then, failed to prevent 9/11 despite repeated warnings etc. yet have suddenly saved thousands of lives by uncovering a sketchy conspiracy? Everyone knows that creating a climate of fear is useful for government....

I think you could well be correct. The world is a scam, what we are told is done for a reason. Its all about money and control - nothing more in my opinion.
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Post by STEVE G »

hollygolightly1 wrote;
Well, I have to admit (at risk of being bombarded with evil replies) that I'm sceptical... it seems a convenient time to foil a major plot - divert attention from Lebanon, pat on the back for unpopular Blair etc.

For all those that see a subtle and devious Machiavellian conspiracy theory in this, please be mindful of the fact that the British Government is presently under the leadership of John Prescott! (PM Blair being on holiday.)
If history in the future proves this to be the case, I think Mr. Prescott should at least be commended on having kept the deviousness and cunning of his mind hidden through so many years in office, when everyone had him labeled as a sponging buffoon, whose only purpose in life was chasing his secretaries!
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Post by hollygolightly1 »

STEVE G wrote:
For all those that see a subtle and devious Machiavellian conspiracy theory in this, please be mindful of the fact that the British Government is presently under the leadership of John Prescott! (PM Blair being on holiday.)
If history in the future proves this to be the case, I think Mr. Prescott should at least be commended on having kept the deviousness and cunning of his mind hidden through so many years in office, when everyone had him labeled as a sponging buffoon, whose only purpose in life was chasing his secretaries!
Ha, ha, yes maybe, but if that's the case how much more of a buffoon can you get than Bush and look how much harm he's caused! I suspect we may hear more justification for Guantanamo soon. Why don't we just do it US style and lock up everyone we arrest for a few years before we even know what we're charging them with....
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Post by caller »

Fair point Steve G!

The reality of course is that an operation of this size places tremendous strain on the Police and costs an absolute fortune, if you only want to consider cost.

Okay, Forest Gate appears to have been an error, although as the Police don't have enough time to continue enquires before having to release those detained, we haven't learnt everything there. Odd that the guy shot is now being charged with downloading and storing child porn, which came weeks after they were released.

I don't think anyone with any sense - even the over-hyped muslim "leaders" in the UK would doubt that this is a serious and genuine investigation and not just some sort of gimmick.

The cost to the UK and others is huge, with massive disruption for those seeking to travel, flights cancelled to and from the UK, extra security, the search of premises, forensic work needed - at one large internet cafe, they have removed all the PC's, plus the ones seized from houses and other businesses - do any of you know how long it takes to forensically investigate a PC or how much the kit costs to do it? I do.

To imagine that this is some sort of smokescreen for what is happening elsewhere just demonstrates a real lack of understanding of how UK law works, the fact the Police have already had to seek extra warrants to detain those arrested and most tellingly, unlike Forest Gate, where the lawyers for the guys arrested said almost from day 1 that the security forces had gone it wrong, there has been nothing from lawyers to this effect so far - and the defence lawyers representing their clients would be shouting innoncence if they could.

I would imagine that a fair few of those arrested will either walk free or face lesser charges, but it seems like some of those arrested are in for the long haul.
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Post by The understudy »

Hallo Y'all including the Moderadors

I was covering the story since it broke on Thursday morning to Last nite from here in Germany where I am and it had sperked a security debate not only in the UK where it is allready Frontpage News in every Newspaper. but also in Mainland Europe.
Thursday and Friday Major Flight delays and from German Airports to London Heathrow and Atantead Airports.
And yesterday the german News website www.tagesschau.de reported that the alleged Terrorists had contact to German Terror Cells. The Foreign Ministry quikly jumped on the News and said that they would closely work with their British Colleagues. to sort Infomation out.
Well I be travelling to America to begin my coverage on the American Midterm House and Senate Election this fall then We will see how the war on Terror really effects the Balance of Power within the US House of Rep. and the Senate. If Bush and his Repubicans still have enough punch for the last remainder of his two years in Office. (which I hope not) And lets see how my Flight to L. A. and the assocaited security checks would be as stringend like those in Heathrow allthough I'm flying with a Non American Airline from Frankfurt.
Ahhh darn! Actually planning to visit HUa Hin this fall but this has to wait til December then. Boy can't wait to Dec. to come back, relax and unwind in Hua Hin again!!!
Freelance Journallist life is pretty cool and exhausting! But Love it!!!!!!

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Post by Jaime »

Norseman wrote:I think you live in the UK. How would you like if at bunch of Scottish started firing salvos of Katucha rockets into England or sneak up on innocent gordies in order to kill and do as much damage in England as possible?
Norseman, did you only have one eye open during that period? That sounds strangely like the Britain I grew up in during the 1970's and 80's, when we did have exactly that situation, albeit the bombs, kidnappings and executions came from Ireland not Scotland. However, even though we were involved in what would today be called a war on terror (terror substantially funded by 'philanthropic' US citizens) we did not respond by destroying the civilian infrastructure of Dublin with a sustained massed land, sea and air assault. Such short memories.
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Post by caller »

Yeah but Jaime, it wasn't quite on the same scale as whats happening elsewhere now. No-one in ireland was lobbing missiles over to the mainland to maim innocents.

And who would "we" have bombed - our own country? A lot of the terrorists came from Northern Ireland - it might have been a diiferent reaction if they came from another country altogether? Different politics, different world.

At the end of the day, take away one or two "spectaculers" and a few, but appaling atrocities on the mainland, most of the killing and maiming was in Ireland - both North and South.

Seems like the US has as big an Irish influence as Jewish - that is something the Country needs to address - the influence of these groups on foriegn policy.

I'm still not minded to think the current crisis is of Israels doing, but would question the proportionality of their respnse? But then, I've never lived anywhere in their situation and can only wonder at how that would affect my thinking?
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Post by hollygolightly1 »

caller wrote:Fair point Steve G!

The reality of course is that an operation of this size places tremendous strain on the Police and costs an absolute fortune, if you only want to consider cost.

Okay, Forest Gate appears to have been an error, although as the Police don't have enough time to continue enquires before having to release those detained, we haven't learnt everything there. Odd that the guy shot is now being charged with downloading and storing child porn, which came weeks after they were released.

I don't think anyone with any sense - even the over-hyped muslim "leaders" in the UK would doubt that this is a serious and genuine investigation and not just some sort of gimmick.

The cost to the UK and others is huge, with massive disruption for those seeking to travel, flights cancelled to and from the UK, extra security, the search of premises, forensic work needed - at one large internet cafe, they have removed all the PC's, plus the ones seized from houses and other businesses - do any of you know how long it takes to forensically investigate a PC or how much the kit costs to do it? I do.

To imagine that this is some sort of smokescreen for what is happening elsewhere just demonstrates a real lack of understanding of how UK law works, the fact the Police have already had to seek extra warrants to detain those arrested and most tellingly, unlike Forest Gate, where the lawyers for the guys arrested said almost from day 1 that the security forces had gone it wrong, there has been nothing from lawyers to this effect so far - and the defence lawyers representing their clients would be shouting innoncence if they could.

I would imagine that a fair few of those arrested will either walk free or face lesser charges, but it seems like some of those arrested are in for the long haul.
Firstly, I don't think cost is a factor. The initial cost to New York post-9/11 in terms of tourism was also large (as was the cost to UK tourism post foot-and-mouth disease if you remember) and somehow I don't think disruption to travel services will cause anyone in government loss of sleep (we'd have a decent rail service in London if that were the case!). Yes, the cost to the police is huge (we as tax payers are paying anyway), but we all know that their investigations are not always transparent. When the poor Brazilian was shot, you will recall how the police claimed - contrary to London Underground's statement - that the cctv cameras were not functioning... then the tapes disappeared. So, this is not a police force happy to acknowledge its mistakes.

Secondly, my point is until we have concrete facts, we should not succumb to this climate of fear, especially as it can make us lose a sense of proportion about the danger we are in. For instance, the events of 7/7 were tragic, but the number of lives lost was tiny compared to the number of Iraqi civilians killed in the name of "freedom"; and, like Jaime, I too grew up in the IRA years where buses were blown up and civilians killed, partly USA-funded. It is also irresponsible to Muslims living perfectly peacably within Britain, who consider themselves British, to encourage a climate of hatred which can only foster the kind of nationalism the BNP etc thrive on. As for an understanding of law.... well, I think it is accepted that Blair himself seems to have a problem with this since the Iraqi war was deemed unlawful.
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Post by Norseman »

Jaime wrote:
Norseman wrote:I think you live in the UK. How would you like if at bunch of Scottish started firing salvos of Katucha rockets into England or sneak up on innocent gordies in order to kill and do as much damage in England as possible?
Norseman, did you only have one eye open during that period? That sounds strangely like the Britain I grew up in during the 1970's and 80's, when we did have exactly that situation, albeit the bombs, kidnappings and executions came from Ireland not Scotland.
I know this very well Jaime.
In fact I was walking in Knightsbridge on my way to Harrods when a bomb from IRA went off outside the shop. Must have been xmas in 83' or 84'.
I can still remember the crying and the terror it left behind.
I find it difficult to compare the Northern Ireland terror, i.e. IRA, with the terror that is going on right now in the middle east.
Everything is a matter of killing, but the IRA kept their terror inside the UK borders. Same same Iraq. This is not the case in the middle east. The militant muslims carry out their attacks all over the earth.

I chose Scotland/England because they are on the same mainland,
(not seperated by water), i.e. Libanon/israel.
If one country is partly occupied by a strong force of terrorists, they are firing rockets and killing your own people, what measures can you take?
The human race is not able to do anything else than fight back.
As long as the fights not are between armies, but between militant civilians and military personell, how can you separate the gunners from "real" civilians?
It's a war far different from any other earlier wars between nations.
Will the terror stop and a victory be won?
No, afraid not.
But we have to try.
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Post by Jockey »

Just a thought...
If the media support a country who's people are invading, bombing, killing innocent lives (for whatever reason), the people perpetuating the attrocities are called soldiers. If the media does not support a country who's people are invading, bombing, killing innocent lives (for whatever reason), the people perpetuating the attrocities are called terrorists (or insurgents). Killing is wrong - whatever the label!
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Post by tbuzzi »

Left BKK Tuesday 8th, flight held at gate, all asked to deplane, a man had checked two bags but failed to board, so we all had to deplane while they located his bags and removed them.

Retured to bangkok BA9 from LHR Saturday night ( 12th), club desks normally empty were absolutely packed, as were all the other desks even First ! plastic bags everywhere, things were confiscated by security at the entry to departures, yet you could buy whatever you wanted airside and they could be taken on board.
bearing in mind ne of the people arrested was working airside and had access to restricted areas this concerns me a great deal......
flight was delayed by only 30 minutes and went smoothy after that
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Post by Jaime »

Norseman wrote:I find it difficult to compare the Northern Ireland terror, i.e. IRA, with the terror that is going on right now in the middle east.
..... the IRA kept their terror inside the UK borders.
Perhaps the reason you find it difficult to compare is exactly because of what I have posted - that the UK did not react in the same way as Israel (at least not in the 70's, 80's).

Your second point above is also factually incorrect I'm afraid. Terrorist attacks were also launched/initiated/planned from outside the UK - i.e. from within the Irish Republic across a very porous border, so the parallels are relevant.
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Post by Norseman »

Jockey wrote:Killing is wrong - whatever the label!
You are absolutly right Jockey and I think most normal people support you on that!!!

The problem is to inform the terrorists about it.
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