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Big Boy
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Post by Big Boy »

there are many things a person can get involved with in most communities.

Every orphange needs volunteers to assist with various functions concerning the kids....helping out at meal times, teaching some sport you are good at, babysitting some of the infants in the baby section etc.
An interesting concept that could help to pass away the hours when I move to Thailand. However, is it actually legal?

The reason I ask is that I know Thais in the UK on holiday/extended visit (no work work permit) are not allowed to take part in charitable functions. Getting caught could see them deported, but at least have an entry made in their passport that could affect future visa applications.
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Post by lomuamart »

Following on from the above, years ago I'd gone through a tricky split-up with my ex. I was drinking way too much and eventually got out of town, went down south and stayed with a friend at his bungalow complex.
The whole issue of my drinking came up over the week I was there and he advised me to go to the Burmese border and teach English to the Karen refugees. There is no money involved in this, just basic accommodation and food.
I didn't do it, but Pete's post has got me thinking again. I suppose the thing is that you've got to be committed. If you're not, no-one gets anything out of the equation.
As an aside - and I don't want to belittle this thread- does anyone know if I'd need a work permit to work voluntarily? I seem to remember some Westerners initially getting hassled when they tried to help after the tsunami.
I've just seen your post, Big Boy.
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Post by PeteC »

I would think that is true ONLY if you seriously piss off some official. I would say there are a minimum of 3,000 expats here in the Pattaya area involved in similar things mentioned and very few, if any, having work permits. I assume there is a risk and the odd chance (see PROPERTY thread), but I haven't seen/heard or read about problems here, ever. Even the Mayor and Chonburi Province governor attend some of these functions and participate side by side with the expats. They just had a big beach cleaning exercise as a case in point to show tourists "they care". Pete

PS: I think we have a member or two on here who run the HH animal shelter. Do they have work permits and if so, who do they work for?..a registered company or nobody as it is non profit and, what does the permit specify their job as "charity"?
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Post by PeteC »

Maybe I shouldn't have been so hasty with my reply Big Boy. Under "the letter of the law" you are probably right. Some of the courses to teach English actually result in being given a work permit when you graduate, regardless if you will become employeed for profit or, do charitable work.

The tsunami deal Lomu, I seem to recall that the people who tried to enforce that got slapped down pretty quickly once the media, both local and international, picked up on it.

I've done work at the local Pattaya orphanage here, as well as do the swimming lesson thing with local kids at a hotel pool that was kind enough to grant the space in the low season. I never had any problems but perhaps, it was better luck then management.

I do know that many organizations here are involved in fund raising events where the proceeds go to the selected charity. They put on carnivals, running marathons, motorcycle trips where people pledge x per mile etc. I guess this may be a process to get around the definition of "actual work"? I don't know.

I don't want to lead 2,000+ HHAD readers astray concerning this issue so, I think best said to "investigate" if you have an idea to get involved in something if you move here. Pete
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Post by PeteC »

I'm blabbering on tonight, sorry. Mention of the tsunami wp issue really got my blood pressure elevated.

You know who pushed that point? The bloody big shots who run the provinces down there who woke up one morning and thought..." geeze, the construction companies we own won't be able to make any money off the misery and destitution of those who have lost their homes...we better do something about that pronto!...all these foreign volunteers are going to ruin things for us..."

Damn two faced hypocrites, the same who go to the Wat weekly with their different face on. UGGGGH! Pete
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