Airport Body Scanners

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Post by STEVE G »

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Post by charlesh »

Hope he wasn't facing East Randy.
Well done to Sarkozy too by the way. Maybe he needs to put in his bit about security as opposed to the bleeding heart liberal cancer that has infected England from within.
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by MrPlum »

Has anyone been through one of these machines yet?

This man refused and is receiving a lot of support for his stance. Unsurprisingly, not from the TSA... ... tween.html

I don't believe these machines are safe or increase security. The mocking approval shown on here by some, to obtain a little security is naive. Look to see them installed at the tax office, driving licence office, Courts, your place of work, everywhere, as the profitable security business, which is gradually strangling us, increases its every tightening surveillance grip on our lives. And always, there is the comforting lie, that it's all to keep us safe. If you wish to believe that, more fool you.

Are you really okay with some stranger ogling your wife, your kids, 'hot' babes, or your obese grannies pendulous orbs? Soon, we'll have full cavity searches for everyone following yet another staged incident. 'Terrorist Plans Mass Outrage with IED hidden in descending Colon!!'

'That's it folks, it's rubber glove time for everyone. Amy, our transgender 'TSA Cavity Search Director', is authorized to search for WMDs in every orifice but, to protect the sensitivities of the travelling public, is only allowed to insert her arm up to the elbow.

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Re: Body Scanners

Post by hhfarang »

It's ok, anything to fly safely... I only ask that when they do the cavity search they use a trained physician, paramedic, or preferably a nurse that can also tell me if I have a prostate problem at the same time, therefore killing two birds with one stone! :D
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by caller »

I went through one of these ages ago during a pilot exercise at LHR T4. Knew I had to get on a diet when I was shown the results and asked what I thought? Trouble was I was heading off for a 6-week trip abroad.
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by pharvey »

For those modest ones amongst us.......

A Las Vegas businessman has invented a special underwear with a strategically placed fig leaf design to get modest passengers through the airport screeners with their dignity intact. ... nners.html

:D :cheers: :D
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by MrPlum »

Great new game for your kids...


Have a safe flight. :thumb:
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by MrPlum »

I like this topic. It has all the usual gripping elements... political skullduggery, fearful masses, lewdness and nudity and a tense plot.

In true Orwellian style, the latest glove-puppet, Obama, stirringly reassures us...

“we will not succumb to a siege mentality that sacrifices the open society and liberties and values that we cherish as Americans.”

A tear falls softly down my patriotic cheek... I reach for a hanky.. and dab the little fella away. "Thank you, Obama. I love you... sniff... choke..."

Just before he gave us this...

Obama directed the Homeland Security Department “to acquire $1 billion in advanced-technology equipment, including body scanners, for screening passengers at airports.”

Bugger me! What happened?

In order that we swallow the latest 'national security' medicine, the Magicians of the Matrix pulled another proverbial rabbit out of the hat... :idea:

"Layyydieeees an gennelmeeeennn..... (Just to show we have a sense of humour), we GIVE yeeeeeewww.... the "Underpants Bombeeeeerrrr!!" :butt: Cue fervent round of applause from the TSA and FEMA, (otherwise known as 'Gestapo-lite'), or the 'Tickle your Sac Agency'.


These days, in the octopus-like world of the Matrix, any way you can jam your blood funnel up the rear ends of the serfs is to be embraced wholeheartedly. Step one in creating your totalitarian nightmare is to provide the pretext. You induce fear and compliance by convincing the spellbound masses the 'enemy is at the gates'. Orwell has already informed us the 'war on terror' is ALWAYS going to be at the gates but hey!, he woz one of thoze cospira.. errr. coripacy... ummm.. no... errr... Nutters! :roll:

The trap is set.

Step 2

Now you have the pretext, it's time to create a little tyranny at home, for the upstart sucker-dupes. You pretend you only have their health and well-being at heart, while denying them basic healthcare. Nobody spots this glaring anomaly in the storyline, they are beyond 2+2=4 by this time. Only what they are told to think.

Step-by-step, year-by-year, strip those precious 'freedoms' away, using the magic of marketing and spin. The mob will embrace their own slavery. Want to invade Yemen? 'Hey Presto! a bomber appears. Somalia? 'it's Blackbeard's Pirates! Want to decimate Afghanistan? "Let's git Bin Laden!" and so on.

Like taking candy from a baby.

There is some method in the madness. It's very simple. If the enemy 'Hate us for our freedoms'.

Then take away our freedoms!

"Yes, please!" "Yes, please!" :?
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by hhfarang »

I like this topic. It has all the usual gripping elements... political skullduggery, fearful masses, lewdness and nudity and a tense plot.

In true Orwellian style, the latest glove-puppet, Obama, stirringly reassures us...

“we will not succumb to a siege mentality that sacrifices the open society and liberties and values that we cherish as Americans.”

A tear falls softly down my patriotic cheek... I reach for a hanky.. and dab the little fella away. "Thank you, Obama. I love you... sniff... choke..."

Just before he gave us this...

Obama directed the Homeland Security Department “to acquire $1 billion in advanced-technology equipment, including body scanners, for screening passengers at airports.”

Bugger me! What happened?

In order that we swallow the latest 'national security' medicine, the Magicians of the Matrix pulled another proverbial rabbit out of the hat... :idea:

"Layyydieeees an gennelmeeeennn..... (Just to show we have a sense of humour), we GIVE yeeeeeewww.... the "Underpants Bombeeeeerrrr!!" :butt: Cue fervent round of applause from the TSA and FEMA, (otherwise known as 'Gestapo-lite'), or the 'Tickle your Sac Agency'.
So, MrPlum, am I to understand from the above that you think that all the terrorist activity there has been in the last forty-odd years has just been a ploy by our western governments to get the population in line?

These days, in the octopus-like world of the Matrix, any way you can jam your blood funnel up the rear ends of the serfs is to be embraced wholeheartedly. Step one in creating your totalitarian nightmare is to provide the pretext. You induce fear and compliance by convincing the spellbound masses the 'enemy is at the gates'. Orwell has already informed us the 'war on terror' is ALWAYS going to be at the gates but hey!, he woz one of thoze cospira.. errr. coripacy... ummm.. no... errr... Nutters! :roll:

The trap is set.

Step 2

Now you have the pretext, it's time to create a little tyranny at home, for the upstart sucker-dupes. You pretend you only have their health and well-being at heart, while denying them basic healthcare. Nobody spots this glaring anomaly in the storyline, they are beyond 2+2=4 by this time. Only what they are told to think.

Step-by-step, year-by-year, strip those precious 'freedoms' away, using the magic of marketing and spin. The mob will embrace their own slavery. Want to invade Yemen? 'Hey Presto! a bomber appears. Somalia? 'it's Blackbeard's Pirates! Want to decimate Afghanistan? "Let's git Bin Laden!" and so on.

Like taking candy from a baby.

There is some method in the madness. It's very simple. If the enemy 'Hate us for our freedoms'.

Then take away our freedoms!
So MrPlum, am I to understand from the above that you think that all terrorist acts are simply orchestrated by our western governments just to control and manipulate us through fear?

You don't think any real terrorists are actually responsible for any of the following?:

Swissair Flight SR330 ... On February 21, 1970, HB-ICD[1] a Convair CV-990 Coronado jet named “Baselland” was flying on the route with 38 passengers and nine crew members. A bomb detonated in the aft cargo compartment of the aircraft about nine minutes after take-off climb-out on southerly course approximately at 12:15 UTC in the area of Lucerne north of the St. Gotthard Pass. The crew tried to turn around and attempt an emergency landing at Zürich but had difficulty seeing the instruments due to smoke in the cockpit. The aircraft deviated more and more to the west and crashed a short time later in a wooded area at Würenlingen near Zürich, Switzerland, due to the loss of electrical power. All aboard the aircraft were killed.

On Dec. 3, 1984, Kuwait Airways Flight 221 flying from Kuwait to Pakistan was hijacked and two Americans were killed.

May 10, 1985 - On May 10, 1985, forty-two persons were killed by simultaneous bomb explosions in Delhi and other parts of north India. On June 1985, 329 died when an Air- India Boeing 747 crashed off Ireland following the explosion of a bomb believed to have been ...On May 10, 1985, forty-two persons were killed by simultaneous bomb explosions in Delhi and other parts of north India. On June 1985, 329 died when an Air- India Boeing 747 crashed off Ireland following the explosion of a bomb believed to have been planted by Sikh terrorists. Two days later terrorists shot fifteen Hindu bus passengers near Muktsar in Punjab's Faridkot District.

Dec 21, 1988 - On 21 December, 1988 the worst airline disaster in British history and what remains the deadliest terrorist attack in the UK to date took place. A Pan Am 747 Jumbo Jet bound for John F. Kennedy airport in New York crashed just north of the Scottish ...On 21 December, 1988 the worst airline disaster in British history and what remains the deadliest terrorist attack in the UK to date took place. A Pan Am 747 Jumbo Jet bound for John F. Kennedy airport in New York crashed just north of the Scottish border. A bomb planted in the cargo hold of the Jumbo Jet detonated within an hour of take-off and the explosion sent the plane plummeting to earth.

Sep 11, 2001 - This was the biggest, most murderous and most spectacular terrorist onslaught in history, unleashed against the United States - a sequence ... Normally in the US one big airline crash occurs a year; in a good year there are none. This time there were four (at least) within the space of ... (you know the rest)

Aug 24, 2004 - Russia—Plane Crashes Suspected Terrorist Acts Andrew Jack—Russia Correspondent, Financial Times Traces of explosives found in the wreckage of one of two Russian airliners that crashed within 20 minutes of each other on August 24, 2004, lead to heightened suspicions of ...

The above is only a short list of the airline related incidents, I guess the following were western government sponsored as well...

On Jan. 24, 1975, in New York City a Puerto Rican nationalist group (FALN) planted a bomb in the Fraunces Tavern, killing four people and injuring 50. That group was later proved to have ties to 13 other bombings.

On Nov. 4, 1979 Iranian radicals detained 66 Americans in the U.S. embassy. They released 14 quickly but held the other 52 for 444 days.

April 18, 1983, in Beirut, Lebanon, a suicide car-bomb attack destroyed the U.S. Embassy, killing 63 people, including 17 Americans. A group called Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

On Oct. 23, 1983, Shiite suicide bombers attacked the U.S. military barracks at Beirut airport, killing 241 U.S. Marines.

On April 5, 1986, in West Berlin, Libyan terrorists injured hundreds and killed two U.S. servicemen when they bombed a popular disco that was known to be frequented by U.S. military personnel.

On Feb. 26, 1993, in New York City, a bomb exploded in the basement of the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000. Al-Qaeda was involved in this incident.

On June 25, 1996, in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 19 American servicemen were killed and hundreds were injured when a truck bomb exploded near a military complex. The Islamic militant group Hezbollah was responsible.

On August 7, 1998, in both Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, bombs exploded at the same time in the vicinity of two U.S. embassies. The attacks killed more than 200 people and injured over 4,000. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were responsible.

On Nov. 9, 2005, in Amman, Jordan, 57 people were killed when al-Qaeda suicide bombers hit three American hotels, Radisson, Grand Hyatt, and Days Inn.

On July 13, 2008, in Afghanistan Taliban radicals fearlessly attacked Kunar Province's American base, killing nine in addition to NATO troops.

On Nov. 26, 2008, in India, terrorists attacked a number of places where Americans often visit, including a train station, two five-star hotels, a hospital and a cinema. Almost 200 were killed and 300 wounded.

This is only a partial list, a small sampling, but there have been so many incidents it would take to long to list them, yet you really believe that some 10 U.S. administrations or other western government entities are responsible for this?
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by Whaler »

pharvey wrote:For those modest ones amongst us.......

A Las Vegas businessman has invented a special underwear with a strategically placed fig leaf design to get modest passengers through the airport screeners with their dignity intact. ... nners.html

:D :cheers: :D
More like for all those with body piercings throughout their modest parts :)
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by STEVE G »

It's a lot of fuss about nothing; working in aviation I go through all that security screening everyday just to get to work.
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by Khundon1975 »

As STEVE G and the other, more sensible amongst us have said in their posts.

A lot of fuss about nothing.

Smiths Detection a company based in Watford UK has announced

"Soon to be available product features include an Automatic Detection user interface that dispenses with the need for operators to review the millimetre-wave image. A standard video or graphical representation of the person being screened will be presented on the display and where concealed objects are located by the system software, a highlighting marker will be placed on the appropriate part of the graphical display. This feature will both simplify the scanning procedure and also speed up the overall process".

So, all those worried about the pervs watching your "naked image" that will no longer be necessary. The operator will be looking at a mannequin like image and any anomaly (gun, knife etc ) will show up as a red marker over the area that needs further investigation by security personnel.

Maybe the CT brigade and other nutters, are worried that these scanners will prove what we all thought. They don't have a brain.

Coming to an airport near you early next year. :thumb:
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by MrPlum »

hhfarang wrote:yet you really believe that some 10 U.S. administrations or other western government entities are responsible for this?
Depends whether you believe governments wouldn't dream of staging 'false flag' attacks (Tonkin Incident) or allowing attacks to happen (Pearl Harbour) or whether 'terrorists' are them or us (Basra SAS). Obviously you will get differing opinion.

It is not a fuss about 'nothing'. I haven't been listening to all the media talking heads but I wouldn't wrap my hands around anyone's cods unless there was 'probable cause'. I also don't wish my cancer-riddled granny to be blasted by ANY radiating device.
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by STEVE G »

Depends whether you believe governments wouldn't dream of staging 'false flag' attacks (Tonkin Incident) or allowing attacks to happen (Pearl Harbour) or whether 'terrorists' are them or us (Basra SAS). Obviously you will get differing opinion.
Of course the airline industry would be just as keen to stop supposed government 'false flag' operators as they would real terrorists as the damage to the industry would be the same.
Generally airport security is carried out by the airport and not the government.
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Re: Body Scanners

Post by pharvey »

It's all feline's rear-end at the end of the day. I have zero problem going through these (or any) security checks in the interests of increased safety (although I do have my reservations as to their capability) . I have traveled a great deal in the past, and still do so now but far more domestically within China I guess - that said, I'll still take 6 or so international flights a year.

My problem is the alarming inconsistencies between authorities/airports and countries - I actually (unknowingly) bypassed security at Delhi airport a while back :shock: After going through passport control, I found that I had left a work-knife in my (now) carry-on luggage, and thought it prudent to inform airport security rather than being pulled up with it at my destination of Hong Kong..... I ended up missing my bl**dy flight and trying to explain to some ever so slightly arrogant airport staff why I'd smuggled a knife passed security!! :cuss: :cuss:

Certain airports being a westerner/foreigner, I have been passed straight through.... certain airports I have been targeted (I'm convinced) as I'm a westerner/foreigner....... the majority, no problem - but why the inconsistencies?

And sorry...... as an aside, my pet hate :cuss: Why take my bl**dy nail clippers and then give me a steel knife and fork on the damn flight???!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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