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Post by fach3003 »


Geoff Duke....he was in the 50s?
riding a Manx Norton???
I could look and learn
but classics im a bit young for...

Saying that i took my dads Triumph Daytona
Percy Tait Replica around Croft on a test day...
My friend wasnt to happy on his GSXR600 all kitted out
as i passed him through the essex and pulled away....
he was 40mph faster on the 2 straights...i was 3 seconds
(at the end of the afternoon) off the Classic 500 lap record
he was 16 seconds off the 600 club record.

I was a very different ride thats for sure...enjoyable
but v different ...ill stick to racing modern stuff....

Goldie eh? bet you wish you had it now there going for
good money!

When i go to LOS to live
i fancy a decent bike to totter round
on....Something suitable 250 fourstroke trail bike or
big engined scooter....looks to me anything over 150cc
is pricey.....Honda Dream it is then eh???

Would love to bring my bikes over but i know it not possible...
not worth it....

Would love a old 350LC yamaha....ever seen one in LOS???

Could always bring my bikes over in bits....over a year or so
in my cases (with my t shirts) hahaha


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Post by Vital Spark »

fach3003 wrote: Could always bring my bikes over in bits....over a year or so in my cases (with my t shirts) hahaha
Many a true word is said in jest. :wink:

OK, maybe not in your suitcase with your bestest T-shirts (think of all the oil stains!), but you could possibly pick your favourite, dismantle it and pack it into boxes. Or if you wanted to bring all your bikes get half a crate (not sure about duty though). Alternatively, get a friend to send it over bit by bit. You could have so much fun finding out which bits had gone missing en route.

Thanks for the update on the 250s, it's a shame we missed it.

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Post by richard »


Yeh wish I'd held on to the Goldie

I left school and decided to become a rocker not a mod

1st bike was a James 125 and remember getting a bollocking from my dad as I took it all to bits to find out how it worked. Ended up reassembling the gearbox only to find not only did I have a few bits over but it went in reverse!!

Needed a good bike to get to work for my 6 pounds 5 shillings and eleven pence a week pay so got my grandma to lend me the money to buy a Ducati daytona. Nice bike and all went well until I went past a bike shop in Hull and there was a DBD Taylor Dow Goldie in race trim. Well in those days that was the icon of a rocker. HAD TO HAVE IT!!! Talked to the boss who I did not know was a friend of my father and we struck a deal. Drove home on it and my father blew a fuse saying it was a killer machine. Damn nearly was too!!

Spent many happy hours cruising and posing round east Yorkshire. Then did a trip to Nottingham and once again stumbled on a bike shop. There was my dream. A Norvin!!!!! Did a swop with some additional cash and drove home. It was a beaut but didn't handle as well as the Goldie

My father went ballistic. 'That's got 3 times more power than my car!!' 'Want a ride Dad?' I asked. No way. My Mum came out and said 'I do'. On she jumped and I took her round the block at 18 miles an hour. Then I said 'hold on tight' and opened her up.

Got nicked by a cop because of the megga. Thought I could outrun him but I did have my mum on the back so decided to pull off down a country lane and stop in a field. As you know megas make a lot of noise even when throttling down. Up comes Mr Plod. Truncheon in hand and stuck it up the mega. 'No bloody baffles lad!' Tried to talk myself out of it by saying 'I must have lost them down the road'

Your nicked. Smack round the ear and told to go home and get it sorted. My mother and the cop were quietly chortling

Anyway I christened her 'Moby' . Hell of a beast and if the valve suppressors didn't work you were 50 ft of the ground from the kick back

Here is picture of a replica. Reckon they were built in the same stable as mine was almost identical

No way would it keep up with even a modern 125 or 250 but it was dream machine (and a girl puller). Sold it and bought a car (girlfriend pressure!!!)



Try getting that your suitcase on a trip to Thailand :thumb:

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Stoner vs Rossi

Post by charlesh »

My feeling is that Stoner is a goer in the rain. Rossi tends to step of the pedal a little in the moisture. But I have agreat deal of fun watching him go through corners. McCoy was another goer in the fon tok as well but career ended too early for mine. Not that keen on Pedrosa - seems a little like some of the other older spanish riders - like to sit just back of the front runner and let them do all the hard work . Good pressure tactics though.
I also like watching Edwards on his day! Pity his gear does not seem as competitive as the others. but then again Rossi on his first year at Yamaha - history. A good tradesman doesn't blame his tools!!!!
Come on Troy Bayliss (Superbikes) a consumate racer in the same way as B. Sheen (7) but nicer to boot!
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Post by usual suspect »

Fachs...cheers for that info.
Yeah,remember seeing that big Kwack at the start-line at S'bro.
...stood out like a turd in a swimming pool,but sounded sweet..(4 into
nothing pipe).
Will check the google site thanks.
Khun Richard...did your Goldie have very square tyres in the days??
Suppose it was piss-pot and goggles then?...what DO wasps taste like?
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Post by usual suspect »

Hey Fachs.
Just a quickie....I noted you said you would like a 4-stoke for plodding around on. Well on the canal road there is an XL600 Yam trailie for sale,
the guy who had it b4 was connected to Bon-Cafe's business I think.
(Dunno price...maybe still there when you get back?)
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Post by fach3003 »

usual suspect

Fingers cross it there when i get back it may be for sale
Honda did a XL500 and Yamaha did XT500 i fink
is it a Yamaha or Honda?
Both canny bikes....
The last bike i had in Thailand was a Dream with Basket...

Spoke to the boss (wife) im pushing to leave here July 2009
not Jan 2010... i really have had go today mind
but wanna finish my racing off....

Richard - Enjoyed your post....
Love to hear my old fellas tales when he was a rocker
and racing in the 60s i tell some - sometime...there
a hoot...

Stoner goes well in the wet i agree....The electronics
on the ducati are pretty good!
Rossi wet weather riding is a bit tamer nowadays
maybe hes just getting on now!!!

I miss the power slides and real throttle control nowdays
The times they do and the balls they have are still amazing
granted....But would Pedrosa and the new breed of 250
lads in motogp make it on an old 500??? or anything with
the power they have now with no electronic aids????

All the aids have done is make the racing closer
I real champion is someone with the best throttle control
who is obviously super fast but can go just as quick
on knackered tyres....Rossi, Doohan , Rainey ,Schwantz
Spencer, Lawson.... etc.... and more of course!

Few years ago you could watch Rossi changing his lines
through the race as the tyres got tired!.... Must of
the other riders just dropped off the pace.....

Now the electronics help (if the pick the right tyre etc)
to make v good riders ....closer to the great....
just my thoughts mind!

Colin Edwards....Hes a star.....i just hope hes get a win!

Went to Malaysian GP in 2006 and me and the wife were
in the grandstand in practise (handful of people there)
it was peeing down and Colin came out the garage...
he was waving at us (we shouted first)....he disappeared
but came back 5 mins later he put a yellow rubber duck
in a puddle and he all watched it float down the paddock....
really funny.....hes daft as a brush!

Vital Spark - MMM i think ill post it over bit by bit!!! hahahaha

Roll on Assen!!!! Hope everyone is well....
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Post by dtaai-maai »

A few years ago the Ferrari F1 team fired their entire pit crew.The announcement was followed by Ferrari's decision to take advantage of the British government's "Work for the Dole"scheme, and hire unemployed youths from Manchester.

The decision to hire them was brought on by a documentary on how unemployed youths in Manchester were able to remove a set of car wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment, whereas Ferrari's existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds. This was thought to be an excellent yet bold move by Ferrari management as most races are won and lost in the pits, so Ferrari would have an advantage over every other team.

However Ferrari expectations were easily exceeded, as during the first practice session not only were "da Mancs" able to change the tyres in under 6 seconds but within 12 seconds they had re-sprayed, re-badged and sold the vehicle to the Maclaren team for four dozen Stellas and a gram of Charlie.
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Post by fach3003 »


Class i love that one....


Stoner set a fab time with 20mins to go.... point 7 seconds quicker
look impossible to beat...Rossi went out and beat it by a fraction of a fraction then Stoner popped out with 7 mins to go just got it by 0.1
Pedrosa got second...Rossi 3rd....

Its them three about .4seconds

I recon

Rossi , Stoner and Pedrosa.....
Nicky fourth.....

Hope all is well!!!
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Post by Parahandy »

I can't see Stoner finishing on the podium if he doesn't win. I would much prefer to see the Doctor on the top spot, but, if nothing goes wrong for him, I still think Stoner will do it.

I could, however, be completely wrong. It happened before. Once, back in '78 I think it was...

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Post by Randy Cornhole »

Good race today. Shame about Hayden running out of fuel... :mrgreen: although it was good for Edwards. Stoner is away on that Duke of his, the only lap times that were comparable were Rossies, shame he was at the back...
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Post by fach3003 »

RC....Yep fab race....

Poor Nicky mind....Top result for Edwards
Was a few years ago at the same race that
Edwards crashed on last lap on the straight just
before the flag and Haydon Won.....

Im sure Edwards was more upset that day....

If Rossi stayed on! he may have pushed Stoner
But the win....i would love Rossi too... but Stoners on a roll
Mind Rossi was popping fast laps even though post
crash damage mean he didnt have much to change gear with....

The 125 race was crazy....Bradley had it in the 3 seconds
then fell in the rain...The restart was a 5lap sprint.... Madness?!!!
Did anyone see it??? I love close racing but 6 a breast weaving
into bends....could have when so wrong....

Untill the next race eh???
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Post by Vital Spark »

Yep, a good day's racing, especially the 125s. What a blinder that 5-lapper was! (The ironing board didn't come out this week. :wink: ). Rossi's mistake was a bit out of character, and as Randy said, he was flying at the back trying to recoup a few points.

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Post by Vital Spark »

So what did you think of the Saschenring GP?

The MotoGP race turned into a bit of a procession, and, I'm sorry to say, the ironing board came out. That was only after Pedrosa was going like a man possessed and overcooked it on a bend. He had a 7 second lead, and was still pushing it to the limit! What was he thinking of?

So, Casey won, and he's good (and I do like Ducati bikes), but I wished that I liked him more. Does anyone know why he was booed at Donnington? Rossi did a superb job and settled for a thoroughly deserved second place. He was OK with that (pretty pleased, actually) as it put him at the top of the table.

So the big boys are going to Laguna Seka. Rossi doesn't like the track at all, so I reckon it'll be a different man leading the GP after that leg.

Talking of legs, or rather ankles, poor Jorge Lorenzo. When is he going to stop flying of the bike? You can imagine the physio saying 'Don't do anything silly, and don't put too much pressure on the ankles'. He must be a physio's nightmare, or possibly delight...

Next weekend: Laguna Seca in California - well worth watching although it's only the 500s (don't know why the 125s and 250s don't go there, but I'm sure there's a good reason).

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Post by Vital Spark »

Blimey, I thought The Doctor didn't like Laguna Seka. If you don't know what I'm talking about, see if UBC is showing it again.

What a cracker of a race! Rossi at his best. Thanks to ye olde video recorder we watched it this evening whilst eating dinner. No, I lie. I put my eating irons down because I didn't want to miss a second of the Casey/Rossi battle. His tyres were shredded at the sides and he still managed to do the unimaginable. Woke up the dog clapping and yelling. Sad thing is that UBC didn't show the interviews - some boring cycle race followed. :cry:

Lorenzo copped it again.... Pretty impressive tank-slapper and an equally painful looking landing. At least he's got three weeks for the physios to sort him out.


PS: Why does Ant West's name get mentioned at least twenty times during a race? Has he bunged the commentators to get extra sponsorship?
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