Raising a Powerful Girl

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Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by PeteC »

This is a very worthwhile read for anyone raising a daughter anywhere, but more so IMO for those living here in Thailand. You won't often or ever see the below traits and mentality being taught or nurtured by parents here in Asia, and your daughter won't pick it up naturally from her Asian peer group. Use Google and translate to Thai and let your significant other read it. It's sure to result in some stimulating conversation. Pete :cheers:

http://www.pbs.org/parents/parenting/ra ... rful-girl/

Raising a Powerful Girl

How do you raise a powerful girl and what does that mean?

Powerful girls grow up feeling secure in themselves. They learn to take action, making positive choices about their own lives and doing positive things for others. They think critically about the world around them. They express their feelings and acknowledge the feelings and thoughts of others in caring ways. Powerful girls feel good about themselves and grow up with a “can-do” attitude. Of course, strong girls may (like all of us) have times of insecurity and self-doubt, but these feelings aren’t paralyzing because the girls have learned to work through their problems. Powerful girls will grow up to lead full, valuable lives.

Here are some of our experts’ ideas to help you raise powerful daughters.

Encourage your daughter to pursue a passion.
“Full engagement with an activity she loves will give her the opportunity to master challenges, which will boost her self-esteem and resilience and affirm intrinsic values rather than appearance,” says Rachel Simmons, author of Odd Girl Out. “Having a passion lets her go shoot baskets or play an instrument, for example, instead of being swept up in online drama.”

Let her have a voice in making decisions.
“Whenever possible, let her make constructive choices about her life. Let her choose her own clothes, within appropriate limits. Give her a voice in what after-school activities she participates in and how many she wants to do (as long as it works for the rest of the family, too). Remember that knowing what she cares about most will come from trying some things and finding she doesn’t like them, as well as from finding things she loves to do,” recommends Jane Katch, Ed.D., author of They Don’t Like Me. “Your daughter might need to make a commitment for a short time for an activity (one soccer season) but when that’s over, it’s okay to try something different!”

Identify the values most important to your family.
“Consider the ways you convey these values, especially by example. What are the moments in your daily life when you can model the values you want your daughter to learn?” asks Simmons. “What traits and strengths do you want your daughter to develop as she grows?” asks Meg White, M.A. “See if these qualities are reflected in how you parent.”

Encourage her to solve issues on her own rather than fixing things for her.
“When parents take over, girls don’t develop the coping skills they need to handle situations on their own. Ask your daughter to consider three strategies she might use to deal with a situation, and then ask her about the possible outcomes. Let her decide what she wants to do (within reason). Even if you disagree with her choice, you give your daughter a sense of control over her life and show her that she is responsible for her decisions,” says Simmons.

Encourage her to take physical risks.
“Girls who avoid risks have poorer self-esteem than girls who can and do face challenges,” says JoAnn Deak, Ph.D., author of Girls Will Be Girls. “Urge your daughter to go beyond her comfort zone — for example, encourage a girl who’s scared to ride her bike downhill to find just a small hill to conquer first.” Catherine Steiner-Adair, Ed.D., co-author of Full of Ourselves: A Wellness Program to Advance Girl Power, Health and Leadership, agrees. “It’s important to help even non-athletic girls develop some physical competence and confidence when they’re young. Whether it’s through team or individual sports, girls need to form a physical relationship with their body that builds confidence.”

Get girls working together.
“Girls who work cooperatively in school or who problem-solve together do much better in taking large risks or facing challenges. These girls report an incredible sense of accomplishment and feeling of competence, both of which give a huge boost to self-esteem,” says Deak. “Encourage your daughter to participate in team-building activities or join organizations that rely on teamwork.”

Let your daughter know you love her because of who she is, not because of what she weighs or how she looks.
“Encourage your girl to eat in healthy ways, but don’t over-obsess over what she eats. Listen to her opinions (about food, and other things) and show appreciation for her uniqueness, to help her develop herself into the person she wants to be,” says Steiner-Adair. “Comment on the way she carries herself into a room or the ideas she is expressing before commenting on her looks. She needs you to know her insides and validate the developing person within, as well as noticing her emerging young womanhood,” adds White.

Allow her to disagree with you and get angry.
“Raising a powerful girl means living with one. She must be able to stand up to you and be heard, so she can learn to do the same with classmates, teachers, a boyfriend, or future bosses,” says White. Lyn Mikel Brown, Ed.D., and Sharon Lamb, Ed.D., co-authors of Packaging Girlhood, write, “Girls need guidance about how to stay clear in their disagreements, and they need support for not giving up their convictions to maintain a false harmony. Help girls to make considered choices about how to express their feelings, and to whom.” Steiner-Adair notes that “Not all girls will want to do this, especially shy girls, but you can still help them develop the skills.”

Address girl fighting when you see it.
“Talk with girls about relational violence (such as gossip, rumor-spreading and exclusion) as well as physical violence (hitting or fighting). But don’t assume all girls are mean, and avoid saying ‘girls will be girls’ when you witness girls engaging in exclusive cliques and clubs. Instead, affirm girls’ relational strengths and sense of fairness, help them identify and hold on to their strong feelings, like anger, and encourage them to practice more direct, positive ways to effect change in their relationships,” says Brown.

Make regular time to listen to your girl.
“By creating consistent, predictable times when she knows that you are receptive and available to listen — like riding in a car, taking a walk, or just sitting reading — you will eventually be let into her inner world. Let her use you as a sounding board to sort out what she is going through, without solving problems for her. The answers that come from within her are the ones she will eventually live by,” says White.

Listen more than you talk.
“When we talk to girls, they often experience it as us talking at them, and they not only stop listening, they stop thinking and reflecting. But when we listen to them, they have to think about what they are saying, and they tend to reflect more. And we need to keep an open dialogue — we can’t dismiss their chatter about ups and downs of friendship as trivial, and then expect them to talk to us about the important stuff,” says Lawrence Cohen, Ph.D., co-author of Mom, They’re Teasing Me.

Limit your daughter’s exposure to the media and popular culture when she is young.
“This will give her more time to develop her own ideas, creativity, and imagination from her direct first-hand experience. As she grows, media messages will start to get in, so having rules and routines from the start can help your daughter control her own experiences as she gets older,” says Diane Levin, Ph.D, author of So Sexy So Soon.

Help her process the messages in the media.
“Help her avoid the narrow focus on appearance and consumerism that often dominates the media. By helping your daughter process the messages she sees on the screen and develop her own ideas about them, you can prepare her to better resist the media’s pervasive stereotypes,” says Levin. “Help her notice the bigger picture — for example, how looking like her latest teen idol can be fun but also connects her with a lot of other stuff she might not have noticed or thought about. Wonder aloud about more general patterns you see, like how all those little purses hanging from everything might make it seem that all girls, even three-year-olds, are into shopping,” add Brown and Lamb.

Talk with her about the differences between sex in the movies and loving relationships in real life.
“It’s important to talk with your daughter about sex and sexuality in ways appropriate to her age and your values,” says Levin. “As she gets older it becomes increasingly important to help your daughter understand the difference between sexualized images in the media and healthy sexuality. Through give-and-take discussion, you can help her begin to understand the difference between the media’s presentation of sex and sexiness. You can talk about how sex is frequently portrayed without love, intimacy or emotion, or as part of caring relationships. When your daughter is old enough, you can begin to discuss what a mature, healthy, loving relationship — in which sex is a part — is all about.”

Acknowledge her struggles but keep a sense of perspective.
“We have to acknowledge the pain our daughters are experiencing, so they feel heard and accepted and empathized with. But we also need to put it into perspective, to stay calm and listen to what they are experiencing without projecting our own experiences onto theirs. Your daughter is having a different experience than you did, even if there are surface similarities,” says Cohen. “After all, she has something you didn’t have: you.”

Enjoy her!
“Having a powerful girl can be exciting and energizing. Find activities you both enjoy and do them regularly together. Maybe you both like cooking or having breakfast together, hiking or reading books,” says Katch. “Try to keep this connection as she gets older — if times ever get tough, you’ll appreciate this special bond you share!”
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by Nereus »

This is a very worthwhile read for anyone raising a daughter anywhere, but more so IMO for those living here in Thailand. You won't often or ever see the below traits and mentality being taught or nurtured by parents here in Asia, and your daughter won't pick it up naturally from her Asian peer group.
Absolutely agree with that part, Pete.
But I think that the word "powerful" is completely wrong. I think that there is a big difference between a girl having self confidence and thinking for herself, and being a "powerful" person.
For sure, the culture and social structure here, without considering the ridiculous education "system", is not going to encourage any of the good points raised in the article.

I hope that there is some further useful comments forthcoming from the forum, and it is not just left to a couple of old fogeys that have been through it all before! :cheers:
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by mac22 »

Well written, I do hope that this is read by all parents.
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by STEVE G »

I'm just a bit baffled as to why anyone would want another powerful female in the house! That bit about teaching her to avoid consumerism is all very well but the rest of it is just going to make your daughter more assertive at getting you to buy stuff.
( I have an old style English approach to bringing up children that relies on distance, it's called a boarding school. )
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by Siani »

I think that using the word powerful is wrong. It would have been better to to have used strong instead. I don't think that the bit about letting her get angry was good advice.
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by VincentD »

Going off on a slight tangent here, but I think this needs to be applied to the boys too.
More so when they approach puberty... Especially here in this country.
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by Bluesky »

Perhaps a more meaningful approach and title would be 'How to raise an empowered and balanced daughter'
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by Dieter78 »

Good read! Cheers!
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by Spitfire »

Well, interesting read and from a progressive and western point of view, then cool. I don't want to sound too cynical though, but if the girl is as you describe above and you bring her up as suggested, then send her to a western country as otherwise the culture and society here will stomp on her and she will be disappointed, become bitter within and be left short-changed. Kind of reminds me about people who say the schools and universities should teach critical thinking etc...only for them to leave education and then be told their place and how to think/behave by society and those above them when they join said society...or you are fired/socially exiled etc.

Controversial...but probably true. They still struggle with truth and actively suppress the allowing of people to dream to get out of their situation to better themselves here (one of the biggest differences between the west and east...generally, for most, you are not allowed to dream to change things here in the east). A positive outlook for women, and especially competent/ability orientated women, is a long way off...sadly.

I could go on...but won't as futile.
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Re: Raising a Powerful Girl

Post by bailey14 »

Perhaps a more meaningful approach and title would be 'How to raise an empowered and balanced daughter'
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