RIP Richard Sabin

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Re: RIP Richard Sabin

Post by NOKYAI »

Glasses raised in the old buggers honour......Sangsom soda one of his favourite tipples!

He's left a big hole in our lives here and I'm sure over in the UK.

Glad you are there to represent us Peter, I look forward to seeing you on your next visit to HH
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Re: RIP Richard Sabin

Post by PeteB »

Nokyai / All,

Richard was well "toasted" on Saturday at the cricket club. Family and friends gathered to down a swift one or several to his memory. Yes, I did have a quiet toast on behalf of his mates from Thailand and many stories (some unpublishable) were swapped about his "interesting" life - including his photo hanging in the club bar, taken many years ago, sporting a Mexican style droopy moustache, captaining the club's second XI.

Kendo also managed to attend, so the forum was definitely represented.

His daughters went to great pains to let everyone present know about the support (mental and financial) given by his many friends and acquaintances in Thailand as well as in the UK. Still get a tear in my eye!

Thanks guys and gals - hope to be in HH later in the year but still awaiting medical clearance.

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Re: RIP Richard Sabin

Post by kendo »

It was a really nice afternoon for Richard at Basingstoke cricket club. It was lovely to meet his girls, family, friends, and work colleagues going back to the early 70's.
I was particularly moved by Emma's speech and enjoyed all the photos being displayed on a laptop slideshow.
He really did enjoy a very full life.
It was nice to see you here Peter and you never know you might bump into me in Hua Hin in the future.
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Re: RIP Richard Sabin

Post by pharvey »

Had seriously thought about attending, but had previous commitments and to be honest felt a little awkward in that I'd never actually met Richard - simply a spot of banter on the forum.

Good to see you attended though Kendo - fair play to you.

:cheers: :cheers:
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Re: RIP Richard Sabin

Post by Emma Sabin »

Hi to all of Richard Sabin’s friends and fellow bloggers. This is a message from Emma and Pollyanna - Richard’s daughters :)

First of all apologies for not getting in contact on here sooner. The last 3 months have been pretty tough and coming on here and reading the wonderful messages from you all has been lovely but painful at the same time so we’ve been easing ourselves into it.

We’ve wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you for some time now - for your supportive messages and financial contributions (thank you so much) but most of all for your love for our Dad. It is so nice to read all your wonderful thoughts about him. We haven’t quite got round to reading his posts yet. We will do, but again, we are taking it slowly. Although knowing our dad, we are sure there are many he wouldn’t want us to read!

We are both members of this forum now so will definitely keep in touch - although we can’t promise how often we’ll be on here, but we will stay in contact.

Thank you all again - so much.

Love from Emma and Pollyanna xxxx
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Re: RIP Richard Sabin

Post by Fairypolly »

Yes massive thank you everyone for you lovely messages for seeing what a special person our papa Sabin was xxxx
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Re: RIP Richard Sabin

Post by Don »

I apologize if the lateness of this annoys anyone.
Just wanted to say that this forum became so very important to me in '07 & '08 when I was visiting HH and plotting to come and STAY. The people here were so open and free in their desire to provide help and advice to all who needed it. Plus, there were some HUGELY entertaining characters that made me laugh often. Some of these I had the pleasure of some exchanges with. richard being a favorite.
Fast forward to 2015 when I returned to the forum after a lengthy absence I learned of his death and felt very sad. I expressed this elsewhere. My reason for writing this, however, is that I have just read this entire thread and no matter what I felt about HH and this forum I am now so in awe of the depth of kindness, empathy, humanity of the members of this community that I'm struggling to find the right words. You have all restored my faith in humanity as well as my desire to finally, eventually, be able to spend most of my life in HH. When that time comes my hope is to be part of this community where one can actually count on others. I just wanted to thank all of you for displaying this. It is so rare. I'm sorry if I should have posted this elsewhere, didn't occur to me till I was too far in.

Cheers to all of you.
Be well.
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