Automatic gate

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Re: Automatic gate

Post by hin »

Most new gate motors have a clutch release feature so the gate can be opened or closed manually in case of malfunction or power outage. Also I would want an infrared light feature that casts a beam between the gate posts - if anything interrupts the beam the gate will not move. Maybe even 2 beams, one almost at the ground and one higher. I consider battery backup higher cost, more maintenance, more components to malfunction, battery replacement from time to time

I would go for GSM control instead of fob or keypad. Just program the gate’s number into your phone with speed entry for one or two button activation. Can also enter or remove other people’s phone #’s into the software so their phone can open the gate, like other family members, your gardener, housekeeper, etc - it will not be charged as a phone call as it just rings the gate’s number, which triggers the gate to open but there is no answer so no charge. And you can operate the gate from anyplace you happen to be if somone phones you needing to get in. Check it out. ... te+opener

I believe in supporting our local merchants but I am not a contortionist so if I see that they want to see me to reach for my ankles at the same time I reach for my wallet I cannot do that so have to let them see my ass scrambling out the door.

We have bought lots of stuff from Jack Ma’s people = almost unlimited selection of almost anything and with thorough research there have been no disappointments. Usually at ¼ to ½ the local cost even after shipping and customs. But avoid couriers like DHL, FedEx, etc - can use post for up to 20kg. And use a Thai name for “ship to” address.

A lot of the Lazada stuff comes from Ali Express or Alibaba with same wait time but a bit higher price and usually not much or inaccurate description of features - check right hand side of the items description page to see if it says, “Ships from Overseas”
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Re: Automatic gate

Post by Nereus »

Maybe they’re not all the same but our motor has a manual override which you operate with a key and then pull a lever to disengage the gear and the gate can be pushed open by hand - not as convenient as a 12v motor with battery back up but ok on the few occasions it has happened when we’ve needed to go out during a power cut.
Yes, mine also. The problem with that is you lose all the settings, so have to reset all the sensor points. But the main reason that I like a 12 volt motor is that I do not have to expect a bloody great whack off of it when Somchai stuffs around with the AC supply.
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Re: Automatic gate

Post by VincentD »

Nereus wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:39 pm Ok, so when you drive home in your car in Singapore you have to leave your car outside, go inside and open the gate, go back outside and pay the police for wrong parking place, then what? Or you blow the car horn and the maid wakes up and pushes the switch, and while you are waiting you can pay the policeman? :rasta:
:oops: :oops: :oops:
It does have additional remotes, but I don't have one. Also I don't like driving in Singapore and it is more convenient, faster and less expensive to take public transport.
Yes, when I arrive I usually have to ring the bell and wait for the maid to wake up.. Not that I'm there often. Been away for the best part of thirty years so get lost quite easily. :oops:
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